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scriptupdates [2013/12/18 12:51]
scriptupdates [2013/12/18 12:54] (current)
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 Following steps describe what have to be done when XMM has informed you about //new or updated scripts//. Following steps describe what have to be done when XMM has informed you about //new or updated scripts//.
 +{{ :​information.jpg?​direct&​400 |}}
 Click either on the information to launch the //​LiveUpdater//​ or go to //Check for Updates// on the Help tab.\\ ​ Click either on the information to launch the //​LiveUpdater//​ or go to //Check for Updates// on the Help tab.\\ ​
 +{{ :​Update_01.jpg?​direct&​400 |}}
 XMM will show you a list of all new or updated scripts. XMM will show you a list of all new or updated scripts.
scriptupdates.1387367511.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2013/12/18 12:51 by jdommi