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 Column Size & Width Save

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Chris Lotz Posted - 07 Jul 2011 : 16:25:48
Hi Alessio, I really like your Games Manager, tons better than all others - I own the Trio (Movies, Games, Music)(Would purchase Books if it incorporated Comics as mentioned in: Anyways, I have an issue that I thought might have been fixed after the last Column saving bug fix.

I have customized platform images on my manager with different sizes of images (all are close to the same size) but when I resize the height and width of the columns it doesn't save the sizes I set them to. I know it resizes for all platforms and such which is fine, but would really like it to save this setting, so the next time I open the manager it is the same size. I can post a screenshot or whatever if I've lost you, but I'm sure I'm not the only customer/client with this issue.

What it looks like each launch...

What I would like it to look like after launch (& Save)

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Chris Lotz Posted - 11 Jul 2011 : 18:00:34
Hi Alessio,

Thanks for the reply, I copied that file into the Games Manager, renamed it to Games instead of the Books. It populates a bunch of fields but it doesn't save anything.

It seems that what it needs is a place to change the Height of the Cells (like Excel) and have it save. I tried editing the XML to include a Height area but it didn't seem to change anything.

Anyways, let me know if you can think of anything else, I don't know where the default value of Cell Height is located, I checked the other XML files but didn't see anything in Dreamweaver.
Alessio Viti Posted - 08 Jul 2011 : 11:06:35
Hello Chris,

Please download this file and replace the one you have in "layouts" subfolder.

Let me know if works!

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