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 eXtreme Movie Manager (Rel. 7), No More Updates
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 update and bugs

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
apd Posted - 26 May 2006 : 10:13:03
Hi Alessio,
I finally had some time and decided to leave to 4.8 version. I like most of the changes but there's still work to be done. Forgive me if some of the following has already been mentioned.

1. Right Click to Edit Multiple Files doesn't work: at Save/Exit I get the message "Are you sure you want to Exit without Save Changes?"

2. The script for IMDB is too slow compared to the last one for 4.8. Plus, i did a batch import including "LOTR2 - The Two Towers", and now any new film I add from IMDB comes with Custom Field 10 & 11 filled from LOTR2 - The Two Towers.

3. With batch import in 4.8, we could still work on other windows of XMM - now it's totally single tasking, we have to wait till it's over.

4. There's no Help file yet to answer simple problems. For example, how can I add an actor manually? (More on that later)

That's enough for now, I think. Keep up the good work.

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
apd Posted - 27 May 2006 : 14:11:03
Here's some more, maybe not bugs, but things to check out:

1. Too many clicks needed to paste a picture manually. If you copy a pic from a Firefox page, it takes 4 clicks to paste it - do we really need them?

2. In the Grid, sorting by Marked/Unmarked doesn't work if I click the bar (titles or ID etc do work).

3. "Mass change text in field" is missing.

4. When I alt+tab there's an extra green icon to skip

5. Selecting text with the mouse is lost if I work quickly.

Enough for now. I'll check export next...

Keep well.
Alessio Viti Posted - 26 May 2006 : 12:09:12
Hi Yannis!

1-Sorry, it's a bug, I have already fix it in (I will release it this night or tomorrow morning)

2-It depends on script , can be improved, I will try to find some time. About the Custom 10 & 11 I will try to find the bug.

3-I am sorry, but this new engine didn't allow do it. I will try to see if I can change this.

4-I haven't find time yet to write it. Anyway, you can add an actor by simply go in Actor's Tab and the press the button "ADD ACTOR"


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