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 Bug Report
 Resize of cover has wrong size

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
blpp Posted - 10 Jun 2006 : 01:38:34
I'm using version 5.2.5. I click a movie with a cover. This cover has a bis resolution (much higher than the screen resolution). The image preview is resized correctly. But if I click the preview a window ("ImageView") with cover in original size is opened. If the cover is to bis for the screen resolution the resize of the original cover is wrong. It is jolted.


The original image has a resolution of 1200x1778. The screen resolution is 1280x1024.

Kind regards,

7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
blpp Posted - 12 Aug 2006 : 10:28:05
Dear Alessio,

the bug has been fixed in version 5.3.2. Thanks for the good work :-)


blpp Posted - 07 Aug 2006 : 22:01:21
Great, I will have a look :-)


Alessio Viti Posted - 07 Aug 2006 : 16:07:52

I have fix this problem, should work correctly now, will be available in the next release.

Thank you!

dlomneck Posted - 05 Aug 2006 : 23:50:09
It just seems like there is a logic problem with code. It seems that you are calculating the max height of the screen, and if the image is larger than that, you are resizing the height, with no regard to the width as well. You need to resize your images and keep the aspect ratio unchanged. You'll have a couple of If Statements like so

if height is larger than screen height and width isn't
resize height to max screen value and keep aspect ratio
(means you need to change the width accordingly)
elseif width is larger than the screen width, but hieght isn't
resize wdith to max screen value and keep aspect ratio
(means you need to change the height accordingly)
elseif both width and hieght too large
determine which one is the "dominating" size
and resize that one, keeping aspect ratio as well
everything is good, no resize needed.

I guess for a quick fix you could just disable all sizing and give us scrollbars on that screen. Atleast then the image would look correct.

Alessio Viti Posted - 20 Jul 2006 : 17:35:04
Sorry guys, I haven't locate the bug yet...

I hope to find it soon.

blpp Posted - 19 Jul 2006 : 23:30:27
Dear Alessio,

in version 5.2.8 this bug is still persistent. Were you able to locate the bug?


Alessio Viti Posted - 11 Jun 2006 : 11:26:09
Thank you for this bug report!

I will try to fix it.

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