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 Read Files problem

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
MTS Posted - 31 Aug 2006 : 03:29:59
Hi Alessio,

It's been a long time since i last wrote here, and i do that again to point out a problem that still exists in XMM v5 and make things impossible (at least for me) to complete importing my database info.

When i try the option "Read files" in the add/edit window of a movie already in database, if the movie is in two seperate cd's, it is impossible to add the information of the two files as one movie (since these files are for the same movie). The engine is only able to add the info from one cd only. (the one inside cd tray)

After some tests i realised that the same thing happens when you "read files" that are on the hdd. The engine only adds the info from the last(?) file selected.
Note that i have ticked both files, and then click the "read codecs from selected files" button.

Unless i'm doing something wrong, it would be great to fix this problem and since this is possible (to add two seperate files in one movie) in the "Add Movies" option, i assume it would be possible to do so for the "read files" option too.

Thanx once again for the great work!

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alessio Viti Posted - 05 Sep 2006 : 10:12:01

You are right, the problem is that routine will not find the first movie file anymore (because in your CD tray there is the second CD, this is why you have the problem.

I must change the function in order to get it to work.

Thank you, now the problem is clear

MTS Posted - 05 Sep 2006 : 04:26:02
After some more test, i figure it out how it works.

We have to insert cd1, press the "read codecs of selected files" for cd1, then open "read files" again, read from cd2 and press the "read codecs of selected files" again for cd2.

Af far as i understand its not possible to insert cd1 then insert cd2 and the click the "read codecs of selected files" button for both at once. Although this is possible in "Lookup cd/dvd for movies" if i am not wrong, its not possible here.

So if its not possible to do it like that, i'm happy anyway that it seems to work fine this way too...
MTS Posted - 05 Sep 2006 : 04:06:35
Hi Alesio,

here is what happens.

First the options

Then, insert 1st cd, after the second one.

Note that if i remove the second cd nothing is imported.
So with the second cd inside cd tray, info from THAT cd ONLY is imported.

Hope to solve this soon!

Alessio Viti Posted - 04 Sep 2006 : 17:12:51

Please send to me (or here in the forum) a screenshots of the options you have in the "Read codec window", because here in my PC all works correctly.

Thank you!

Jay Pee Posted - 01 Sep 2006 : 13:49:33
That would be great....250 2-Disc Movies are waiting here for Codec-Information Import

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