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 Frame import in ?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
arcadian Posted - 05 Sep 2006 : 14:52:41

Thanks for the new feature to import movie frames, I was really looking for it.

However, I'm a bit disapointed with the result I have. When I check the box in "HDD import" mode, nothing happens and when I reimport codec info from the detail window, I get only ONE frame.

As a suggestion, I would recommend the following changes to make this feature work great:
- Add an option to specify how many frame captures per movie (for instance : 20). Divide the length of the movie by this number and capture one frame every x minute. This way, we have a view of whole movie, not just one frame.
- Make an easy way to capture the frames after the movie has been created (for existing movies in the database and to have the cover in first position and only then the frame capture).

I'm looking foreward to see this very useful feature enhanced.

Thanks for the good work,
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alessio Viti Posted - 05 Sep 2006 : 15:41:10
Hi Arcadian,

I must work very much on this feature, I know, and probably I will add all things you wrote, but I have release this to know if the engine works correctly or not.

Please continue to write suggestions, as you know I will try to do my best to make it

Thank you,

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