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 eXtreme Movie Manager (Rel. 7), No More Updates
 Bug Report
 A new list for v.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
apd Posted - 29 May 2009 : 10:26:42
Hi Alessio,

Now that the old list is done, here's a new one ;)

The Focus in Grid is lost again. When I import or refresh, XMM takes me to the beginning of the Grid instead of remaining at selected entry (or the previous one, if I Delete). For a moment there I thought you had fixed that.

When I quickEdit Subtitles, the Grid column "Subtitles" does not refresh automatically. (Even if I save).

The Ctrl+Del decision was not correct after all. In Quick edit, Ctrl+Del used to delete all chars to the right of the cursor - as is the standard Windows behaviour. Now it acts just as in the Grid, deletes the entry. This is not acceptable.
I suppose you have to redefine different functions for Del in Grid and QuickEdit. Or kill this shortcut, make as it was before.

Sort by length is incorrect: XMM should be able to sort "11" after "10" and not after "109". Maybe you could make this a text value (or perhaps give us the option to auto add "min" in the value, for those who need it).

Quick Access bar revisited: New Icons needed. The function "open with script" gives the same green tick for all 3 scripts. Export, Print, Find Dupes and other functions of the "Orb" menu all appear as a black ball. At least you could add "Balloon Text" to tell us which is what.

Quick Access bar is also missing the ability to rearrange the icons in the Quick Access bar by drag and drop (or at least by right click and LEFT/RIGHT option).

The Treeview needs quicker access to custom "Group By" filters. Now it only shows the current one under "Actors". It would be nice if we had the custom made filters directly available there.

Please make a custom filter to round up numerical values. For example, Year could have Decades (I would prefer the ability to make my own groups, like 1910-1930, 1964-1979 etc). And length could use the same: up to 10 min, 20 to 40, more than 60 etc.

To help you keep track, I move here the remaining suggestion from another post:

Find Duplicates should have options: [Exact] [Similar]
Examples: it should be able to relate [The Fall] with [Fall, The] and [Baby Doll] with [Babydoll]
It also needs an "exclude" function ("Do not show this film again), because if I have two entries with the same name and I want to keep them, it should remember that I allowed it.

Copy contents of "Field X" to "Field Z" - it should work with any two fields.

Multiple Delete contents of "Field X" (any field).

Decide Max Number of backups to keep.

Allow "Change Field Content" by dragging a Grid entry to a different Group in Treeview. (If tree view shows "Year", dragging an entry from the Grid in "1978" should change the film's year accordingly.

When the CoverManager window opens, the first image should be automatically selected.
Allow keyboard "Del" in CM.
Allow selecting more than one images in a CM entry (to delete at once)
Allow keyboard "Enter" to close the CM window.

Drag and drop of images should be allowed in Cover Manager from a web page.
Also: Drag and drop from one entry to another.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
yaqwa Posted - 29 May 2009 : 17:54:08
ok thanks
Alessio Viti Posted - 29 May 2009 : 15:38:31

Movies and Series are the same in V7, what you cannot select is the template for episodes and actors at this time.

About layouts, to delete it just go in the "Layouts" subfolders, here you have all folders of layout you have created...just delete it.

yaqwa Posted - 29 May 2009 : 14:45:04
.....and - any chance to delete my own layout (maybe because i created too many?)
yaqwa Posted - 29 May 2009 : 14:33:22
sorry - maybe i did not see something - but - i can choose a template for the movies but not for the series - right?
Alessio Viti Posted - 29 May 2009 : 14:11:49
Thank you apd!

I will try to make it asap, of course there are things that is easy to fix, others that need much time

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