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 Bugs and improvements "Media Browser"-export

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Ulli Posted - 05 Feb 2011 : 13:43:13

i use the Media Browser to view my movies at the Media Center of Windows and found some bugs and have some suggestions:

  • special german characters
    the german so called "Umlaute" are not correct converted (problems in title, genre, description...) and should be:
    ö -> oe
    Ö -> Oe
    ü -> ue
    Ü -> Ue
    ä -> ae
    Ä -> Ae
    ß -> ss

  • more then one genre
    for example the genres "Drama/Thriller" are written in the mymovies.xml as


    but should be:


  • insert media infomations in the mymovies.xml
    It should be no problem to insert the informations known in eMM into the mymovies.xml file to show the correct file-informations in the Media Browser. Take a look here:
    The following informations would be nice being inserted:

    <LocalTitle>A Blu-ray in ISO format</LocalTitle>
    <RunningTime />
    <BitRate />
    <Language />
    <BitRate />
    <FrameRate />
    <Duration />
    <Subtitle />

    tags who could used are described in the link above.

  • replace "The", "A" ...
    There are three tags in the mymovies.xml-file who represents the movie-title:

    Is it possible to change the possition of the arcticles "A", "The", "Der", "Die", "Das", "Ein", "Eine" and "Eines" in the <LocalTitle> like in the following example?

    <LocalTitle>Adler ist gelandet, Der</LocalTitle>
    <OriginalTitle>Eagle Has Landed, The</OriginalTitle>
    <SortTitle>Adler ist gelandet, Der</SortTitle>


    <LocalTitle>Der Adler ist gelandet</LocalTitle>
    <OriginalTitle>Eagle Has Landed, The</OriginalTitle>
    <SortTitle>Adler ist gelandet, Der</SortTitle>

    That doesn't change the sort order.

I hope you can get some thinks managed to be inserted into the export to Media brwoser - maybe all?! ;)

20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
M_L Posted - 14 Apr 2011 : 09:20:59
Would be great if you could put all Media Browser Info
(-> .xml file -> Pictures )
in the Movie Folder.

Because it is easy to handle. All infos in one Folder.
And if you want to copy the Movie to an other Plattform you can simple copy the one folder.

best greetz M_L
M_L Posted - 09 Apr 2011 : 23:59:06

none of the problems in this topic fixed ?
or is my pc just stupid.

M_L Posted - 02 Apr 2011 : 00:51:59
the Fanart (Backdrop) is in the Database Cover Folder.
They are called "MovieCoverName _ fanart " (The MovieCoverName is in the Database).
I don't know how you do things like that,
but i hope that it's possible !

greetz M_L

Radioactive Posted - 01 Apr 2011 : 15:10:31
Maybe you can split the movie path with "." and behind the last "." there is the file-extension
Alessio Viti Posted - 01 Apr 2011 : 13:35:45

I will try to change it in next release.

For the codec I don't know exactly how to do that, because I haven't the value in the database...

M_L Posted - 01 Apr 2011 : 08:22:24
thumbs up :)
M_L Posted - 19 Mar 2011 : 20:37:11
Ulli's Informations are OK !

I have something too
(For MediaBrowser Bitrate needs to be in bytes per second)

1. Video and Audio Bitrate in the Database is sometimes in KBPS and MBPS.
------ Change everything to KBPS in Database ----

2. Video and Audio Bitrate sometimes have Blank spaces.
------ Delete Blank Spaces in Bitrate ------

So it shoud look like that

in Database -- 1500 kbps --
in XML -- <BitRate>1500000</BitRate> --

Ulli already said that Media Type is not the Codec

in my case the all Movies with this Media Type -- V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC -- should be -- MKV -- Files
One thing would be really coool !

With the Script -- TheMovieDB (API) -- you can download Fanart.
XMM knows that that this pictures are fanart.

Copy this pictures in the MediaBrowser Movie Folder (.jpg and .png are allowed)
Name them like this -- Backdrop.jpg -- -- Backdrop1.jpg -- -- Backdrop2.jpg -- and so on


BEST greetings

Ulli Posted - 19 Mar 2011 : 13:26:50
thx for the quick bugfix Alessio!

I solved my problems with "multi-modification" (Mehrfachänderung) using the following:

  • replace AC3 with AC-3

  • replace V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC with H.264


Only one problem still cannot be solved with this: The <Type>-tag:

Now the mymovies.xml looks like this:


Between <Type> and </Type> must be the file-extension like AVI, MKV, MPG etc. NOT the Video-Codec!
The following values are allowed

HD DVD                              

Thats what the mymovies.xml for example has to look like:


M_L Posted - 19 Mar 2011 : 11:04:30
Good Job Allesio Viti !!

For me everything works fine.
I have corrected some small things with some SQL commands.

So I'm happy that XMM works hand in hand with MediaBrowser

Best Greetings

aminchew Posted - 19 Mar 2011 : 02:46:03
Thank you - fixed the </Title> problem.

Ulli Posted - 18 Mar 2011 : 20:11:13
or use a version prior to
aminchew Posted - 18 Mar 2011 : 18:51:41
Back out the change with the title tag (I hope you use source control).

What I do to manually correct the issue is to edit the line in the xml file with a text editor:

<Title>Some Movie Title</Title>

1. Delete the movie title text (ie, "Some Movie Title" as above)
2. Cut </Title> and paste it to the end of the file.
Ulli Posted - 18 Mar 2011 : 18:39:51
ok - I'll give it a try:

aminchew explained it very good:

<Title> of the file...

As it is now, the xml file is malformed. It has something like:

<Title>Movie Title</Title> of the file...

M_L Posted - 18 Mar 2011 : 17:59:22
-ULLI- could you be so kind.

Please explain the Problem, in easy words.

.... I can't take it anymore

M_L Posted - 18 Mar 2011 : 17:45:01
OK ....
i will make it very short !

At first there was just some small things that -Ulli- wanted to correct.

-jesusjordan- always told you to put the </title> at the beginning. But that Destroyed the whole file !
Don't ever listen to -jesusjordan- !!!

Alessio Viti Posted - 18 Mar 2011 : 09:47:48
Guys, someone write me that </title> must be at beginning, someone at end... I always try to make everything but its really hard in that way...

So, what is the REAL position of this tag, at end??

I am sorry but as you can imagine I cannot read the instruction for all file structures, I just try to follow the user's suggestions.

Please let me know and I will make the change.

Thank you,

aminchew Posted - 18 Mar 2011 : 02:08:59
Originally posted by M_L

arrrghhh !

M_L Posted - 17 Mar 2011 : 21:04:08
arrrghhh !
Ulli Posted - 17 Mar 2011 : 19:33:04

You cannot be serious!

The mymovies.xml-file is unusable - still with version !. Neither the ":"-Bug nor my bugs are solved!!! The mymovies.xml is totally broken!!!

You have to put the "</Title>" at the end of the mymovies.xml-file!!!

if you need my help just contact me - i will give my best to assist you!
Alessio Viti Posted - 17 Mar 2011 : 07:25:50

the problem with ":" in the title should be already fixed! I have change it one release ago.

Please let me know if is still present.

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