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 eXtreme Movie Manager (Rel. 7), No More Updates
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 Options Window (*)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jerryv Posted - 25 Aug 2011 : 16:28:54
I have tried everything I can think of to resize the Options Window so I can see its entire contents but have been unable to do so. It does not show all options and I cannot save any changes. Very fortunate that I can see just a small portion of the print tab in print CD Label so can at least print them out. Any suggestions out there? Thank You
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alessio Viti Posted - 31 Dec 2011 : 01:33:54
OK; I will try to do this in the next release.

Thank you!
jerryv Posted - 30 Dec 2011 : 20:56:33
Very nice to now have the options window shown with its full contents. Now if only the Cover Print Manager would show entirely also.
Alessio Viti Posted - 09 Dec 2011 : 10:44:14
Hello guys,

The problem happear if you change the "Text Height" of the Screen.

If you set it to 100% You have no problem.

I will try to fix this.

Thank you!
lucrat Posted - 09 Dec 2011 : 05:15:20
It's me again :P

I think so problem with options window occurs in Win 7.

I have a two laptops, both with Win XP.
1st works with resolution 1024x768, 2nd with 1680x1050.
On both, I have access to all options in Options window. I can't maximize Options window, because "Maximize" is no active (only "Minimize" and "Close"), but i have visible all fields and buttons.

I don't know nothing about Vista, because I don't have computer with Vista.
analison Posted - 11 Oct 2011 : 13:14:55
From 3 posts previously:


"Go to whatever options page you want and make whatever changes you need.

Now start pressing the TAB key. The first time you hit it something in the window will have a faint box drawn around it. As you continue to TAB this highlight box will move from one item to another. When it disappears that means it has highlighted something that it outside of the window, probably either the "Save" or "Cancel" button.

Hit enter, close the window, reopen and see if the changes have been saved. If so the first tab has taken you to the "Save" button. If not its taken you to the "Cancel" button, so try again but hit "Enter" after Tabbing outside of the visible area twice."
lucrat Posted - 11 Oct 2011 : 01:36:49
I have this same problem...
I can't resize Options window.
Button "Maximize" is no active, resizing on edges of window too.
Active are only "Minimize" and "Close" buttons.
XMM installed from version 7,1,4,0 and upgraded online to version 7,1,4,3.
Did you found any solution?

I apologize for my english... :)
analison Posted - 06 Oct 2011 : 23:02:55
Yes, I agree.

I've been using the program for several years now going back to version 3 or 4 I think, can't really remember which, and the problem existed in some form or another in all versions I've used, though it seems to be getting worse in each iteration.

I didn't raise a bug report once I'd found a workaround because it's a complex piece of software for one man to develop and maintain, but for what it's worth, Alessio if you're reading, in my opinion you are doing a disservice to a fine piece of software by constantly adding more features instead of making what you've got work properly.
JDommi Posted - 06 Oct 2011 : 21:38:25
Thanks for that workaround! I think you're the only one who has managed that problem.
It's really time for Ale to correct this bug or whatever the cause of is...
analison Posted - 06 Oct 2011 : 19:04:11
I'm also having this problem. Changing resolution, font, reinstalling, updating drivers etc. etc etc makes no difference.

I have come up with a workaround for anyone that's interested, though it is a bit of a kludge (actually it's a lot of a kludge.)

Go to whatever options page you want and make whatever changes you need.

Now start pressing the TAB key. The first time you hit it something in the window will have a faint box drawn around it. As you continue to TAB this highlight box will move from one item to another. When it disappears that means it has highlighted something that it outside of the window, probably either the "Save" or "Cancel" button.

Hit enter, close the window, reopen and see if the changes have been saved. If so the first tab has taken you to the "Save" button. If not its taken you to the "Cancel" button, so try again but hit "Enter" after Tabbing outside of the visible area twice.

Yes, I know it's horrible and takes ages, but it does work (sort of).
jerryv Posted - 26 Sep 2011 : 17:46:02
Just wondering if my screen shots were received?
jerryv Posted - 14 Sep 2011 : 17:21:24
Currently running version

Screen shots sent
Alessio Viti Posted - 14 Sep 2011 : 06:43:23
Hello and sorry for late reply.

Do you have the latest release of XMM?

Can you send to me a screenshot? alessioviti -at-

Thank you!
jerryv Posted - 12 Sep 2011 : 22:49:45
I have used the search function but cannot find if problem was ever able to be corrected. Can anyone find otherwise?
JDommi Posted - 08 Sep 2011 : 22:27:46
No, there were one or two other guys with the same problem.
Please have a look at the search function as I can't remember if and how they have resolved that problem.
jerryv Posted - 08 Sep 2011 : 21:22:51
Am I the only one that is having this problem??? Official Forum © Go To Top Of Page
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