T O P I C R E V I E W |
Mawu |
Posted - 16 Nov 2010 : 10:38:52 1. XMuM should be able to manage not only MP3 but also AudioCD or vinyl.
2. At the beginning focus should on database/tagging features. Functions that can be done for now better by other applications like ripping of CDs can be integrated by adding shortcuts to external applications that you would like to start from xMuM. People should be able to start external applications with specific parameters. Examples for external programs: Exact Audio Copy, Winamp
3. Format support: mp3/ogg/mpc/ape/flac/aac/apl/wv/mp4/ofr/spx/tta/wma see The Tag Frame Reference here: http://age.hobba.nl/audio/tag_frame_reference.html
4. MP3: support of ID3v1, ID3v2.3, ID3v2.4
5. Database Fields Album/Track (according to ID3v2 tagging standard + additional custom tags using TXXX frames):
Album (TALB) The album name from which the track comes.
Album Artist (TXXX_ALBUM ARTIST) Used to describe a specific artist who has produced an album, if the album comes from several artists.
Album Artist Sort Order (TXXX_ALBUM ARTIST SORT ORDER) Album artist sort order allows you to define a specific sort order for a album artist.
Album Review (TXXX_ALBUM REVIEW) Review of the whole album
Album Sort Order (TSOA) Describes an alternative text to use in sorting operations instead of the Album name.
Album Subtitle (TSST) Used for information directly related to the album title, "Night Time" for example.
AMG Album ID (TXXX_AMG ALBUM ID) ID of the album according to Allmusic.com
AMG Pick (TXXX_AMG PICK) This is a rating of Allmusic.com at the track level, where the most important/best tracks on an album are marked
Artist (TPE1) Used to describe the main artist.
Artist Sort Order (TSOP) Describes an alternative text to use in sorting operations instead of the Artist name.
Artist URL (WOAR) Describes the URL of the artist’s webpage.
Attached Pictures Contains one or more pictures directly related to the audio file.
Audio File URL (WOAS) Describes the URL of the official location of the original audio file.
Band/Orchestra (TPE2) Used for additional information about the performers in the recording. Some programs like itunes misuse this tag as "album artist". Should be selectable, if it's used in that way or in the way which was originally intended.
Biography Contains the biography for the artist of the audio file.
BPM (TBPM) Contains the number of beats per minute in the audio file.
Buy CD URL (WCOM) Points to a URL that will handle the process of purchasing this file
Catalog Number Describes a catalog number of the track/album.
CD (TPOS) Numeric value that describes which part of a set the audio came from. This frame is used if the album is divided into several discs (Current CD/Total Cds).
Comment (COMM) A general comment.
Composer (TCOM) Intended for the name of the composer.
Conductor (TPE3) Intended for the name of the conductor.
Content Group Desc. (TIT1) Used if the sound belongs to a larger category of sounds/music. For example, classical music is often sorted in different musical sections (e.g. "Piano Concerto", "Weather - Hurricane"). Similarly, in rock music it is not uncommon for a number of tracks to be merged into a single named piece.
Copyright (TCOP) Intended for the copyright holder of the original sound, not the audio file itself.
CopyrightURL (WCOP) The 'Copyright/Legal information' frame is a URL pointing at a webpage where the terms of use and ownership of the file is described.
Encoded By (TENC) Contains the name of the person or organisation that encoded the audio file.
Encoding Date Time (TDEN) Contains a timestamp describing when the audio was encoded.
File Encoding Type (TFLT) The 'File type' frame indicates which type of audio this tag defines.
File Owner (TOWN) Contains the name of the owner or licensee of the file and its contents.
Genre (TCON) Used for describing the type of the audio, Rock, Pop or Techno for example.
Involved People (IPLS for ID3v2.3, TIPL for ID3v2.4) Intended as a mapping between functions like producer and the name of a person.
ISRC (TSRC) Contain the International Standard Recording Code.
Language (TLAN) Contains the languages of the text or lyrics spoken or sung in the audio.
Lyricist (TEXT) Intended for the writer of the text or lyrics in the recording.
Lyrics Used for storing lyrics for the song.
Media (TMED) Describes from which media the sound originated.
Mood (TMOO for ID3v.2.4, TXXX_MOOD for ID3v2.3) Intended for describing the mood in the audio file.
Multiple Artists Used to describe multiple artists involved in the production for example a featured artist or an artist presented by the main artist.
Musician Credits List (TMCL) Intended as a mapping between instruments and the musician that played it.
Original Album Title (TOAL) The 'Original album/movie/show title' frame is intended for the title of the original recording (or source of sound), if for example the music in the file is a cover of a previously released song.
Original Artist (TOPE) Describes the artist/group which originally created the song.
Original Filename (TOFN) Contains the preferred filename for the file, since some media doesn't allow the desired length of the filename.
Original Lyricist (TOLY) Intended for the text writer of the original recording, if for example the music in the file should be a cover of a previously released song.
Orig. Title Describes the original name of the song.
Orig Release Year/Time (TORY for ID3v2.3, TDOR for ID3v2.4) Describes the year when the song first was released.
Part Of A Set (TPOS) Intended to describe the name of a serie of records, for example Absolute Music.
Part OF A Set Subtitle (TSST) The 'Set subtitle' frame is intended for the subtitle of the part of a set this track belongs to.
Performer Sort Order (TSOP) The 'Performer sort order' frame defines a string which should be used instead of the performer (TPE1/TPE2) for sorting purposes.
Play Counter (PCNT) This is simply a counter of the number of times a file has been played.
Playlist Delay(TDLY) Defines the numbers of milliseconds of silence that should be inserted before this audio.
Popularity Popularity will allow you to define how popular a song is using a 10-level system.
Preference Describes a personal preference of the song (similar to rating, but preference is in full-text).
Produced Intended for the production copyright holder of the original sound, not the audio file itself.
Publisher (TPUB) Contains the name of the label or publisher.
Publisher URL (WPUB) Describes the URL to the publisher’s webpage.
Quality (TXXX_QUALITY) Describing the quality of the recording.
Radio URL (WORS) Describes the URL to the homepage of the internet radio station.
Rating Used to set a value describing how good the audio file is.
Recording Year/Date (TYER/TRDA/TDAT for ID3v2.3, TDRC for ID3v2.4) The Recording Year contains a value describing which year the audio was recorded. ID3v2 tags can optionally store month/day.
Recording Time (TIME) A numeric string in the HHMM format containing the time of day at which the recording was made (truly one for trainspotters this! The time at which a track was recorded? I mean, come on!)
Release Type Release Type is used to separate type of releases such as Album, Sampler, Bootleg and Live Performance.
Release Year/Date (TDRL) The Release Year contains a value describing which year the audio was released. ID3v2 tags can optionally store month/day.
Remix (TPE4) Used for more information about the people behind a remix and similar interpretations of another existing piece.
Situation (TXXX_SITUATION) Describes the situation in the song.
Software Settings (TSSE) Intended for the used audio encoder and its settings when the file was encoded.
Studio (TSTU) Contains information of which studio where the original audio was recorded.
Styles (TXXX_STYLES) Sub-genre according to Allmusic.com
Subtitle (TIT3) Used for information directly related to the title, part 2 for example.
Subtracks Helium Music Manager specific tag-field used to store cue-sheet information for a track. Useful for tracks containing one or more tracks inside.
Tagging Date/Time (TDTG)
Themes (TXXX_THEMES) Themes according to Allmusic.com
Tempo (TXXX_TEMPO) Describes the tempo of the song.
Title (TIT2) The actual name of the track
Title Sort Order (TSOT) Describes an alternative text to use in sorting operations instead of the Title.
Track Number/Position (TRCK) Numeric value containing the order number of the track on the album. May also contain a total track number, describing how many tracks the album contains (Current Track/Total Tracks).
Track Length (TLEN) Contains the length of the audiofile
6. Custom Tags: Support of user defined text frames is highly recommended as far as other programs like iTunes also use several unique tags. For ID3v2 the folling custom tags are commonly used (TXXX frames should be used for xMuM "own" tags as it is already listed above)
Multiple TXXX: Field used to create custom tag contents Multiple Comments: A multiple set of comments.
BTW: A nice program to display all tags of a mp3 you find here: http://www.p-truebger.com/MP3v2.xTagInfoPro.exe
xMuM should be able 1. To detect these custom tags and display them in an own tab (like Helium Music Manager) 2. To map these external custom tags to "internal" xMuM data fields or XMuM custom fields (also like Helium Music manager)
7. AudioCD/Vinyl Related Database Fields: - TOC - ISBN - Format (Mp3, AudioCD, Vinyl) - Owner - Purchase Details: - Date Aquired - Acquired From - Price - Value - Album Condition - Cover Condition - Location - Location - Status - Packaging - Play Counter - Loan Details - loan date - loaned to
8. Database Fields Artists 8.1. Bands
Aka AMG Artist ID Band Name Band Sort Order Biography Charts & Awards Group Members (original members, past members, current members) Disbanded Discography Followers Formed Genres Home Country Influenced By Instruments Labels Member Of Moods Performed Songy by See also Similar Artists# Songs Styles Videos Webpage Years Active
8.2. Single Artists
Aka AMG Artist ID Artist Name Artist Sort Order Biography Born Born Name Charts & Awards Died (Discography) Followers Genres Home Country Influenced By Instruments Labels Member Of Moods Performed Songy by See also Similar Artists Songs Styles Videos Webpage Years Active
9. Hypertext functionality Artists
Relations between Artists and Artists and Albums should possible according to functions I've seen in Helium Music manager. Examples: 1. I've a data entry "The Beatles" and in the "similar artists" field I type in "The Rolling Stones".When this is done in the Rolling Stones' "similar artists" field "The Beatles" should appear automatically independent of the fact that the Rolling Stones are already in the database or a "Rolling Stones" database entry is just created. 2. I've a data entry "Oasis" and in the "influenced by" field I type in "The Beatles". When this is done in the Beatles "Followed by" field/tab "Oasis" should appear automatically.
Also nice feature from Helium: in Album Review, Biography etc. you can mark e.g. an artist or album name and set a hyperlink out of a list of artists/albums that are already in the database. |
11 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
JDommi |
Posted - 08 May 2011 : 10:38:56 First try of a layout or better which info should appear on which card.
Info on Person/Band:
Founded/Born: When: Where:
Disbanded/Died: When: Where:
Name: Nick:
Band members: Previous Band members
Cover: [In database] Album: Year: Label: CD-Number
Genre: Style:
Path: Playlist:
Album: CD-Number: Album-Artist: Release kind:
Front cover:
Year: (Re-releases:)
Tracks: Artist: Length:
Genre: Style:
Band members:
Cover design:
Path: Playlist:
No. of Discs/Files: Medium:
Front Back Inlay Booklet
Title: Length: (Sample)
Artist: Composer: Writer:
Album: CD-Number Album-Interpret:
Genre: Style:
Codec: Bitrate: Frequency: Channels: |
Alessio Viti |
Posted - 07 May 2011 : 15:20:27 Yes, I will do that, and each will have separate folders, so you will be able to load different cards also for artists etc...
JDommi |
Posted - 07 May 2011 : 09:50:16 I think you should use different cards as in XMM:
1. Artist.htm - biography - complete discography (singles, studio, live, bootleg, ...) - band members (actual und previous) with link to side projects - genres - charts ... 2. Album.htm - album genre - tracks (Side A and B, Disk 1, 2,...) - bonus tracks - track time and album time - released - re-releases - medium - album members and instruments - catalogue number(s) - Recording, Engineer, Production, Photograph, Sleeve design - alternate titles and covers - singles releases ... 3. Track.htm - play time - codec - composer ...
*Edit* In addition to Mawu's list of good sites: http://www.discographien.de http://www.omdb.info http://www.soundunwound.com http://rateyourmusic.com |
Alessio Viti |
Posted - 07 May 2011 : 07:29:25 Thank you Mawu!
I will not advertize it anymore, we can use several script , i have take a look at discogs and its really good too!
Btw, I will use your suggestion, I mean that for "single" tracks I will let the album empty or linked to a "Singles" album instead.
About the Speed... I know that this part is important. I haven't a big database now (just 28 albums inserted and 427 tracks) so i don't know how the software is. When the scan procedure will be quite stable I will send the exe so maybe you and JDommi and Prinz can help me to build a big database to try to speed up some things.
Again, thank you very much for everything!
PS JDommi, Prinz, can you help me with MusicCard?  |
Mawu |
Posted - 06 May 2011 : 23:34:13 Hello Alessio,
concerning the album/single track "problem": for every single mp3 track the whole set of id3-tags is always available. This set of tags should be mirrored in the XMusicM database (and vice versa). That means for every track a album data field should be available. When I have single files in my collection I let the album field empty or name it like the single track (and additionally label release type field with "single"). From Helium I know that database is also structured on a album level as you are also able to import cds or vinyl.
concerning Allmusic.com: good to hear that a script will be available. AMG is by far the best organized music database. But you should not advertize it too much as there are maybe privacy policy problems. I know that programs like Mediamonkey, mp3tag and The Godfather (which has the very best AMG script at the moment, maybe you can take a look at it) can use AMG for tagging but it's more a hidden feature.
Ohther sources you should also taken into account: Discogs LastFM Amazon Musicline Musicbrainz FreeDB (maybe also direct access without Magic Script) Wikipedia
+ Lyrics (Magistrix, Sing365.com, lyrdb.com, leoslyrics.com, lyricsfb.com, lyricswiki.com, Metrolyrics, Songmeanings, Darklyrics) + Covers (cover-paradies is nice and already available for xMM , for more see open source software AlbumArtDownloader XUI)
Very important: SPEED! For big collections >50000 most music managing software like the horrible itunes are much too slow.
Bye Byte and Happy Coding Mawu
JDommi |
Posted - 06 May 2011 : 17:51:37 I would suggest to add them as "Single Songs (Extracts)". Of course with full album info. And think of the case of Non-Album tracks and self-recorded songs/records as well as different song versions and in the case of mp3 the different bitrate versions. |
Alessio Viti |
Posted - 06 May 2011 : 17:38:53 Hello Guys,
I am playing with the new XMusicM. Actually the database is structured more for "real" Albums (CD, Vinyl etc...) not like the other manager you wrote that basically are based on single tracks (The concect of albums and autors is just for aggregate files in the treeview, but there ins't a real database about albums and autors (so with many dedicated field). Is that right?
I don't know yet how to handle both things. If you add a Vinyl for example you will have an "Album" in the database with all details, all tracks and subtrackd and so on.
If you add just an MP3, how XMusicM should handle it? My idea is to create anyway his Album, Autor and CD, even if you have only it.
What do you think?
Alessio Viti |
Posted - 05 May 2011 : 06:43:33 Hello Mawu and JDommi.
Mawu I have start to read more carefully your topic.
Actually the database will have a table for albums and a table that will contains the data about a CD /Folder/Tracks
This to be able to put, inside and album, more CD that can contains folders that can contains tracks or more subfolders (like a "tree").
Of course I will do also the artist database.
I think that the "main" script will be allmusic (like IMDB for XMM), because there are a lot of informations and the possibility to download the samples etc...
Guys, please continue to write your suggestions!
JDommi |
Posted - 04 May 2011 : 17:05:51 Didn't have the time yet to read carefully but I think Mawu has said all there has to be available. Only one thing to remember: different lyric formats like .txt, .lrc, .kar, a.s.o. |
Mawu |
Posted - 04 May 2011 : 15:48:20 Suggestions Part2
Hi Alessio,
I've just read that you've started the extreme music manager project. In order to give you some further suggestions I'll set the focus on a fantastic (now open source) Winamp plugin which is imho the very best library for music collections >50000 tracks: MEXP (http://www.mexp.dk)
Some of the amazing features:
1. context-sensitive search in real time, even on older hardware
2. Multiple databases/libraries at one time, displayed in highly configurable treeviews.
Example: Database of soundtracks -> display of music in alphabetical order according to the movie name. Database of classic music -> Display according to composer -> opus. Database of pop music -> diplay artist -> album
3. "Container" for sampler/compilations
4. Group function with logical connections(and/or/not)
Here is a short video that demonstrates some of the features:
Bye Byte and Happy Coding Mawu
Alessio Viti |
Posted - 16 Nov 2010 : 11:32:59 Thank you very much Mawu for this detailed report!!
I haven't start it yet, but I hope to do in few weeks.
I think will be more complex than books and games, I hope to do a good job 
Ale |