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T O P I C    R E V I E W
wellwet Posted - 13 Jan 2013 : 12:00:48
I've tried to upgrade EMM 8 couple of time but I couldn't!

First, try to Import all DB inc. Director sand ratings (Cleared all the actors, I never used them!) Tried 2-3 times after 8-10 hours of job with 9700 movies my PC hanged! Started again again, no success!

I don't understand why does it takes that long! We are not converting a billion data DB!

I've accepted to import without directors and actors, did it in a fex minutes. This time scripts doesn't work! "Waiting for kickstart"!!! And nothing starts!

In options each time I deselect Update Movies automatically in the background, it looks selected next time I entered the options?

Now I will uninstall both EMM7 and EMM8 and I will install EMM8 a directory like c:\EMM8 and import the DB again (without Directors which is importtant for me!) And will write what's going on again...
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
wellwet Posted - 13 Jan 2013 : 15:39:21
Forget the last posting, I was trying to add movies from a wrong directory :D
wellwet Posted - 13 Jan 2013 : 15:03:31
Things going weirder:)

Now I'm trying to add new movies to EMM7, in Device Scanner window, Start Scan button doesn't work! Looks like working but finds nothing, Complated is shown in status line! Checked options,recursiive scan ischecked, file types are OK :D

I must be cursed!
wellwet Posted - 13 Jan 2013 : 14:19:06
Tried to return EMM7, intalled it, checked updates (it showed only main program and a few script updates whose I don't use)

Opened and tried to update a movie, movies title is now Find - IMDB!

Checked updates again, this time it finded newer IMDB scripts!!!
wellwet Posted - 13 Jan 2013 : 13:07:04
I've tried to update a movie with IMDB fastest, in Script engine status windows, there is a button in the center "Start MagicScript".

Clicked that button, "Engine ready, waiting kickstart" !!!

Tried 4 different scripts! Inc.

Same problem.

I can not deselect update movies in bakground (Looks lke deselecte but when I enter the options again, it looks selected again!

I'm using Windows 8, installed at C:\EMM8 Db is in the same directory...

wellwet Posted - 13 Jan 2013 : 12:51:14
Finally it finished to import a DB of 9700 movies. Nearly 40 minutes, I don't get it why does it takes that long! (It's much better than "with directors.." option!)
wellwet Posted - 13 Jan 2013 : 12:47:54
Import created a Android device folder which I will never use it! (I think A few people using it?)
wellwet Posted - 13 Jan 2013 : 12:09:33
Also tried with other scripts, not only with IMDB scripts. Same problem. May be EMM tires to update my all "empty" DB in the background? Official Forum © Go To Top Of Page
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