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 Gaps on Details

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dimxr Posted - 18 Oct 2013 : 18:38:31
So, I just updated a few movies with the latest version of XMM and the latest scripts (themoviedb and imdb full).
Some gaps appear in some occasions, let me show you three examples:

This one, seems to be just fine.

This has some gap issues.

This has SERIOUS gap issues.

So, is this a bug? Can it be fixed?
Thanks in advance!
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
BBBBrett Posted - 21 Oct 2013 : 08:04:18
I am attempting to move to XMM V8 and having the same problem... among many others of course, the new script for IMDB puts covers as fan-art and means having to open every movie to delete the offending pic. Think I will stick with V7. At least it works, such a shame Alessio tried to jump the gun with a program that worked so well. Now we have a complete nightmare, which I might have been able to endure had he at least made sure old users would have been able to convert large databases. I really have no choice but to stick with and old version no longer supported because attempting to add nearly 4500 movies and update from the net would take literally months with V8. And for really only one gain for me and that would be the fanart slideshow actually working. Of course the payoff would have been no actors pics, can't get them with V8 no matter what I do. They d/l but don't display unless I manually add them...... with over 100,000 actors there is not much chance of that.
Very disappointed in this program now, it just doesnt work as advertised, unless you are prepared for lots of mistakes when importing the wrong movies, the old inbuilt browser made up for the slower engine by making selections quicker.

This program is simply no good for large collections now.

In the very least Alessio should have ensured that the database conversion would work for the people who have supported XMM and now have many thousands of movies, far too many to lose all the hard work of getting them right the first time. I have tried to just scan 100 movies at a time and run three scripts TMDB (for fanart) then IMDB (Data and ratings etc) then Trailer Addict.... in that specific order, it's just too hard and tedious. After endless hours I have come to the conclusion I will never get it as good as I did with V7, so V7 is where I will stay until someone comes up with another program as good as it was. V8 comes a poor second despite initially looking promising.

dimxr Posted - 19 Oct 2013 : 18:30:28
Great! Deleting the odd image did the trick!
Thank you so much!
yan00s Posted - 19 Oct 2013 : 15:06:46
Originally posted by dimxr

Any comments on this?

My guess: for those movies you've multiple fanart pictures with different heights. The space reserved for fanart images is calculated from the biggest image the slideshow has to show. When one of the smaller fanart images gets shown in the slideshow the card will not refresh but show some (or a lot of) empty space ... ... it's like that since ages.
Mathimid Posted - 19 Oct 2013 : 14:41:14
Looks like art works with different sizes. They are shown on top of the detail view. Please control that in the pictures menu in the movie edit menu.
dimxr Posted - 19 Oct 2013 : 13:28:12
Any comments on this? Official Forum © Go To Top Of Page
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