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 Bug Reports
 several bugs...

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
carsie Posted - 31 Oct 2012 : 18:49:20
Hi there,

I have several problems. As a background info, which may be helpful for some of the problems: I imported my old database of EMM 7 and continued working and adding further movies with version 8 on that status.

1. Entering new movies manually

In version 7.XXX it was possible to enter more than one movie in a row. There was a "Save"-button in the edit-mask. Now in version 8 this button is replaced by an "OK"-button that closes the edit-mask.

So if I want to add more than one movie I have to open the mask for every movie again.
Will the old "Save"-Button be back ?

Is there at least a short-key to open the mask, so that I donīt have to use the mouse for every new movie ?

2. Headlines of coloumns arenīt translated

Iīm using the german version of EMM. Nevertheless the headlines of the coloumns in the table are in English.

3. Magic-Script without details

In version 7 of EMM Magic Script asked to choose the correct movie from the found list to take this to download the movie information. In version 8 Magic Script automatically starts after entering a movie but doesnīt show, if the movie wasnīt found. It would be more helpful if it popped up asking to solve the problem.

4. Another translation problem

Magic Script doensīt download german special characters like "ü" "ö" "ä". So there are errors in the downloaded movie titles and the genre, e.g. "Zurück in die Zukunft" (Back to the future) or the genre "Komödie" (comedy).

5. Critical error in the search function

When trying to search a word with the option to search it in all shown coloumns no hit is shown and when resetting the filter the grid shows only the number zero in every field. This problem appears not always but often.

6. Coloumn "3D" removed from the coloum chooser

In my last version of the EMM7 I could choose a coloumn that showed me, if a movie was a 3D-movie. That coloums seems to be removed in version 8. I couldnīt find it.

Thank you for your help in advance.
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
carsie Posted - 22 Jan 2015 : 18:33:42
Hi Ale,

pleaeaeaeaeaease read again my first point of the posting on top. It would be very helpful to have the function of "multi-entering" movies again.

Please let me also know, if you donīt want to find a solution for it, maybe because of other reasons, so that I know that I can give up this point. But I would be very happy, if you could find a solution.

THX in advance !

carsie Posted - 16 Aug 2014 : 14:23:34
HI Alessio,

just wanted to ask if you could readd the possibility to add movies manually in a row without leaving the adding-mask.

(see Point 1 of my first posting in this thread)

Thank you.

Alessio Viti Posted - 12 Nov 2012 : 17:53:18
I am sorry, as you can imagine I have tons of things to do, so I have take one by one and fix it.

carsie Posted - 12 Nov 2012 : 17:50:07
Hi there,

just wanted to ask whatīs about the bugfixes. I looked on the website and there were two updates inbetween but the bugs above are still there.

Please help...
zukkara Posted - 03 Nov 2012 : 09:42:14
Sorry I misunderstood you.
carsie Posted - 02 Nov 2012 : 08:07:51
Originally posted by kirill2785

carsie is talking about ADDING new movie while you're an edit movie window, not scrolling between existing movies. i agree with him. it was easier in XMM7.
Issue number 3. in XMM8 you can still choose between results. check the MagicScript options: "Take first link...", "take the direct link if there's only one"...

Thank you for your hint, but this also doensīt work in my case. I have already activated this option.
kirill2785 Posted - 01 Nov 2012 : 18:27:27
carsie is talking about ADDING new movie while you're an edit movie window, not scrolling between existing movies. i agree with him. it was easier in XMM7.
Issue number 3. in XMM8 you can still choose between results. check the MagicScript options: "Take first link...", "take the direct link if there's only one"...
zukkara Posted - 01 Nov 2012 : 13:59:31
To No 1: you can edit one movie after another just by using the arrows for for- and backwards in the editing window. When you are done click "ok" and xmm needs a moment an updates the database.
Alessio Viti Posted - 01 Nov 2012 : 10:53:57
Thank you Carsie!

I will read it carefully and try to fix everything next days.

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