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T O P I C    R E V I E W
MTS Posted - 30 Apr 2006 : 15:47:03
Hi Alessio,

I have couple of suggestions/questions that came up during the day, while i was importing the codecs. I also post here some of my previous as always. Hope you dont mind

1. In the grid i have the movies sort by catalogue No. I open the add/edit windows for the first one to edit it and insert the cd to read codecs. When i finish the first movie, i click the next button on the bottom left to go to the next movie. But instead of the second movie in the grid, it goes to the next ALPHABETICAL movie.

Would it be possible when using the next/previous buttons in the edit window, to go to the next/previous movie according to the sort order in the grid?

2. I started importing codecs from cd, for all my movies. For one cd movies its easy. Add/edit windows -> read files. What about a movie in 2 cd's. How can i add both cd's so to have a sum of the length and size?

3. Is it possible to select several movies in the grid (those without actors for example) and with right click, select to go to bach import (step 2) for the selected movies? Cause i only see an option to import direct links (step 1).

4. About the popup window. It would be nice to open each time in a visible screen area and not beyond the screens edges. If the movie (and actually the mouse pointer) is down in the grid or too left/too right, the popup window appears but not all of it is visible, it goes off the edge of the screen.

5. When importing (imdb script) sometimes an error message appears that the script cant connect to the internet (maybe due to a poor connection at that moment) and to check some things (firewall etc). After that you cant do anything else than to close the import window and start again. Is it possible to add a retry option there (or auto retry x times, and be able to set the value of x from options, in case you are away during the import), to try to connect and continue?

.+. About the directors in imdb script, they are not always appear all of them in the main page, see my reply in my post in scripts forum.

Thank you!
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alessio Viti Posted - 02 May 2006 : 11:11:15

Really thank you for this topic! I will start this evening to work on XMM, I wll answer directly to your post.

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