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erwinruff Posted - 31 May 2011 : 16:00:43

I'm a new member and I just wondered, the html export function can't export the films in the same structure like the xmm. Sorry for my bad english ;). I just want to export the list from xmm with an option On click/hover to open the moviecard view.
So the other PCs in my Network dont have to install xmm. But the is also no "Play movie" function (or scipt to stream via vlc ;)) in the exported lists. My Movies are stored on an server in the local area network and the xmm runs on another win7 pc.

I hope I didnt bother you guys to hard :P
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
nehickel Posted - 20 Oct 2011 : 04:31:56
Sorry about the extremely late reply to your message, I had a total knee replacement and I've spent all of my time in rehabilitation... well not all of it, I purchased the Asus TF-100 Transformer (Android 3.2 Honeycomb) and it's keyboard. So I've been doing very little web related activity.
The template I developed for OnEx works quite well with my Android phone. Basically there are a set of files which have HTML along with OnEx key words. OnEx simply reads the XMM database and creates HTML web pages and where ever there is a keyword, OnEx puts in the database value. Now the original templates were for a device that linked the web pages to the device so that it could play the movie on the TV. I've removed all of the html for that device and cleaned up the html so that it basically works on anything that support html and JavaScript.
To change my template so that you can run your movies is to change the one line of HTML which tells the phone to run the movie application you want to use. There is tons of readme documents included to tell you everything you newed to know if you want to go further.
The only hitch I can think of is that your application might not want to be run from within another application (web browser).

Good Luck

erwinruff Posted - 29 Sep 2011 : 10:33:29
my idea is exporting to html on an android phone or other device
and by pressing the play button. it starts vlc remotecontrol on my media pc.
however its to much work for me to combinate all these thing. so i hope someone with more knowledge will have the same idea ;)
nehickel Posted - 25 Jul 2011 : 04:51:17
This may or may not help you. The MyLittleNMT Plugin and associated templates won't display a structure like XMM. It will however display an alphabetical index of movies in which you can do the other part of your request, which is to display the movie info and enable you to run the movies. You should probably have a basic knowledge of HTML to start with. Most of the work has already been done. Go to the directory C:\Users\Owner\Documents\eXtreme Movie Manager 7\PlugIns\MyLittleNMTExport\themes. I can't remember the exact name I used but I gave Alessio a template I believe is called something like PortableDevices*... Any way, in that directory you'll find a templates directory of html files. The plugin use these files to build a directory of html files with data from the XMM database. The way this template works is that it builds a alphabetical index of movies using the movie name and a images of the front cover of the DVD case. By clicking on the image, it takes you to a detailed page, which has the front and back cover, the plot, some technical details and a list of the actors. If you click on the front cover image on this page, it will play the movie. However, you need to go into the file MovoeDetails.htm and modify the play command to pint to where your movies are stored. Also in the main directory is a zip file with specific instructions on how to set things up.

Good luck,
erwinruff Posted - 18 Jun 2011 : 07:41:07
thx JDommi

now I'm using the NMT export function
but maybe somebody can make a template with two frames:
Movie list on the left and filminfos on the rightside by click or hover the title.
But a cool feature anyway
JDommi Posted - 31 May 2011 : 22:49:05
I don't have thought of the inbuilt one but of the OnEx plugin. What it really does and can I don't know as I never have used it.
erwinruff Posted - 31 May 2011 : 22:29:35
i already testet the included export function. this dont help me out.
there is no play function (file:///x:/movies/movie.mkv) in the exportet html file. to play the movies from every pc in the LAN over the exportet html file.
JDommi Posted - 31 May 2011 : 19:55:33
Just use one of the included 3rd party tools for export. The menu is "hidden" under white down arrow on the top left corner of XMM. Official Forum © Go To Top Of Page
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