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 eXtreme Movie Manager (Rel. 7), No More Updates
 Suggestions / New Features
 Some Suggestions

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Radioactive Posted - 21 Jun 2011 : 16:27:42

because you don't answered on my email i write it here again

1) Can you add a textbox for a sorttile and for the votes(imdb,..)?

2) why is the db so big? (the empty db has more than 5mb)
I think you have to work on a better db which is not so big?

3) clean the setup because i think its to big and there are many unneeded files example: big movie html card is double

4) improve the update mechanisms?
because some days ago i updadet from to and so i think i get not all new datas, because yesterday i installed a full-installation on a new harddisk and there was my plugin(xbmc-Exporter) in the plugin folder, but in the old installation the file dosen't exists

i think the update is to big (more than 28 mb for 3 changes?)

I think you have to chang the update-mech:
For example that on the server is the same folder strukture like on a pc and so the programm downloads only the new things

5) improve the thumbnail view: because it need a lot of time (book manager dosen't need this time)

6) to the cain (we talk about that
it should be work with a if-instruction
scriptnumber=how many script are in the cain
directlinknumber= how many direcklinks are select
if scriptnumber=directlinknumber then
end if

7) to the iphone/android exporteR:
- why are there two buttons in the third apps menu? (one for iphone, one for android) i think one button is enough,because it open the same window, when we rename it to "movies-app exporter" than under this titel "iOS & Android exporter"
- if the file is exported, there are the and the export.xml but we only need the
- can you add an option to use the websiterating or the personalrating?
- why are the mpaa and the country not exported?
- you have to change the "/ " to a "," because so the movies-app can filter it (for genre,country,Director) see:
example: Komödie/ Liebe/Romantik --> Komödie,Liebe/Romantik
done in

8) to the filerenamer:
- add an option to rename the folder too
- can you add a button to rename also tv episodes? because jdommis plugin dosen't work with subtitels
something like that (yes it is ugly but i does it in 5 min)
the ">" show you all Tags lik in mp3tag

for the last two points: for these i can write plugins, only if you want, but we have some problems:
- then the user can rename,export only all movies
- it need some more time, because it need to open the db again
- the translaters couldn't translate the plugin

say me what do think about that

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Radioactive Posted - 14 Jan 2012 : 19:07:41
14) to hte ministatistik:
- like you see on the picture it would be cool if there would be a 0 wenn there is no hour
- if they statisik has 100% it should be all green and if it has 0% it should be all blue
- for what is the "On HD" Stat? because i have all my movies on HD but there it shows me 0 it worked i found out how it works

15) to the treeview
for waht are the button?[red] i klicked all but nothing happend

16) to file manager for tvshow
why have these buttons no text? i checked also other languages
-and add a button to save the Tag-settings

17) to the html-Statistik-Card

- the forward/backward buttons dos't work for me
- the number of movies aren't show
- a scrollbar would be nice

- the devicemanager why are all menus right but these is not right but it should be like the others

18) to tvshows
add an option to save seasons pictures

19) to the filename of covers and fanart
it would be cool if you can add this tag "title_movieid" or "title_imdbid" somthing like by the actors. Because so you cann esaly find the cover in the explorer without rename it

pps because i think that you always forget the important things here is a cool online toDo site
Alessio Viti Posted - 02 Jan 2012 : 16:51:14

Sorry to answer always so late.

I have read it, I hope to find a way to fix this problem.

Radioactive Posted - 08 Oct 2011 : 20:09:58
13) to the cain again

i want the the programm always imports the data from the internet in the order i choose in the cain

my chain includes 3 scripts ( ; 2. ; 3.
because for example for the movie (traum)job gesucht
the tool found the direct link for imdb and choose this as first link but i want that the tool alway download first form odb then themoviedb and then imdb

i hope you know what i mean


ps ale could you please repley so that i see that you read it?
Radioactive Posted - 04 Oct 2011 : 21:45:56
because i read that you write maybe EMM 8 from scatch i push it

9) if you write it from scatch use mono or use a language which works on linux(Mac

10) improve the speed

11) an option to disable the ribbon-skin, because it use many space on a netbook and it is really ugly
i want these back :-( br /
12) to the clean the title: an option to search for a word and if the word is found all behind this word will deleded

for Example:


will be if the word is German


the with the option to replace "." with " "

it will be:
Example Movie 2013 (2013 is the year)
done in
kirill2785 Posted - 22 Jun 2011 : 14:34:24
4th suggestion: most sertainly the update should be smaller and faster, should update only the updates, as it is an update and not a new installation. Official Forum © Go To Top Of Page
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