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 More Option for Actors

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
mon1y Posted - 28 Aug 2012 : 21:54:44
Hey Guys, in the Actors Database can you make it so that we can add our own additional customable column chooser. Right now there're 11 to choose from ( Birthdate, Birthname,.... WebID ). I want so that I can create my own Column Chooser and not just the default 16. I want at least an additional 5 that I can create. Appreciate if you can do this.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alessio Viti Posted - 02 Sep 2012 : 16:03:56
Yes, you are right, are hardcoded at this time.

mon1y Posted - 01 Sep 2012 : 21:46:43
I don't see any of the 2 custom field that you mention. All the field in the Actor Database for Column Chooser are not customizable. They're hardcoded. I want to be able to add my own Column Chooser so that I can add ie: Action, Thriller, Drama, etc. Thanks Al.
Alessio Viti Posted - 30 Aug 2012 : 05:21:30

At this time you have 2 custom field available... what information would you like to store? Myabe I can add specific fields for that.

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