There are two fields I would like to be able to update without being forced to open/load the complete GUI for XMM:
Custom field 1
Custom field 2
I use the first for a seen-by (se other feature request post) and the second for my own rating.
These values should be so cool if they could be updated from my HTPC-frontend. The easiest way (I think) would be if I could just run a command in a dos-window like.
"xmmUpdate.exe -movie="The Hulk" -field="Custom Field 1" -value="Joche" -mode="Replace"
This will result in the movie "The Hulk" would have the custom field 1 set to "Joche"
Another feature could be:
"xmmUpdate.exe -movie="The Hulk" -field="Custom Field 1" -value="Tina" -mode="Append"
This will result in the movie "The Hulk" would have the custom field 1 set appended with the text "Tina"
The parameters for the program could be:
- -movie Name of movie to update (or preferable the unique id representing it
- -field Name of field to update.
- -value the text to add/append to the field
- -mode either append or replace to say if the value should replace existing values, or be added after existing values
- -separator character to be used when the "append" mode is used to separate the values, could default to ';'
I don't do window programming so it's not very easy for me to do this myself, I know about JAVA but haven't found any deasent java-class for handling access databases yet.
I assume the request above should be fairly easy to fullfil.