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 New XMM 5.0 Alpha 12 Available for Download!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Alessio Viti Posted - 25 Mar 2006 : 01:18:17

The new Alpha 12 is ready for download. The main change is the Multi-Language support.

If you want help in translating just use the english.ini file inside the "languages" folder; Copy it and translate strings inside it in your language.

Thank you very much!


Release (alpha 12) (25 Mar 2006)
->Added Multi-Language Support (If you want add a language please write me an email!)
->When importing from OLD XMM Database you must write the Old Actor Separator to import Starring correctly
->Now the date displayed in Loan Manager and MovieCard are in a format that you can select (configuration)

->Fixed a bug in CSV Import
->Fixed a bug when you create a new database (treeSeries refreshed correctly)
->Fixed a bug in Import Directlinks (now should skip automatically in right way)
->Fixed a bug in FTP manager
20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alessio Viti Posted - 29 Mar 2006 : 17:59:05
OK Mawu, I will add it also to 5.0

Thank you!

Mawu Posted - 29 Mar 2006 : 16:00:42
Hi Alessio,

I've seen just now that the loan history is gone in xMM 5.0; when the movie is returned the loan is not visible in the lian manager any longer. I hope it will come back (imho the very simple loan history in xMM 4.8 was not too bad)

Bye bye
Alessio Viti Posted - 29 Mar 2006 : 14:30:40
Hi Cyrille!

Thank you for the report. I have fixed some bugs in LiveUpdate today (I have never use it, so I must improve it).

About Allocine Plot, I will take a look.

Thank you!

cmaurice Posted - 29 Mar 2006 : 13:41:13
Thank you Alessio for the correction of the script.
I have tried the new script for and it work great except for the plot. There is a little mistake. Each time, at the beginning of the plot, there is "h4>" balise.

So for exemple I have this plot imported for a movie : "h4>Si Mike Lowrey est un séducteur invéteré, héritier d'une fortune et policier par passion, son collègue et ami Marcus Burnett est un homme rangé, marié et père de famille. Leur amitié ne les empêche pas d'avoir des méthodes parfaitement différentes. Mais la disparition de cent kilos d'héroine, dérobés dans les locaux mêmes de la brigade des stups, va leur faire oublier leur concept sur la façon d'exercer leur métier, pour se lancer a la poursuite des voleurs."

cmaurice Posted - 29 Mar 2006 : 13:34:31
Hi Alessio,

I have made the LiveUpdate and downloaded some scripts. Download worked great but even after the download of the last script completed, the button at the right bottom stay as "Please Wait...". I can close the windows with the cross but I think it's a little bug with the button.

Alessio Viti Posted - 29 Mar 2006 : 10:50:14
Hi Datenshi,

I am sorry, at this time is not possible remove the MovieID Column, but I am working on it.

Old Scripts are not compatible, I am converting it just these days.

Please try to use the LiveUpdate function, should let you download some new scripts...

Datenshi Posted - 29 Mar 2006 : 10:25:47
Yeah!! it works like ExSport said, but I would like to remove or the MovieId column and I can't do that, is it possible?

And Old Scripts... don't they work? I try with one I made and didn't work.

Alessio Viti Posted - 28 Mar 2006 : 18:35:15
Hi Henry!

Yes, I need it, really thank you very much!!

Henry Posted - 28 Mar 2006 : 17:37:17
Need any dutch translation ?
If so I will give it a go
ExSport Posted - 28 Mar 2006 : 14:42:47
Originally posted by Datenshi

I import my old Database and it doesn't work, this message appears:

An error has ocurred (Probably the database is opened by another application), please restart XMM. If this error persist, please contact BinaryWorks by email and send this error ID: CD1.

Of course the database is not opened by another application; and while the import process I can see several errors on the lower part of the program window (argument 'Lenght' must by greater or equal to...).

And where is the option to sort the movies by CatalogNº? I only can sort them alphabet.

Good luck.

Try to look here:
I had same problem and found the solution.
Bye ExSport
Alessio Viti Posted - 28 Mar 2006 : 11:53:49
2. popupwindow if doing mouse over the movie in grid: if the movie does not have anyinformation there is an error message near the "Total movies in grid:"
a. will the popup open right to the pointer, so we could click directly on a dataset?

I have fix the problem with error message, but I must work very much on the popup window, I am not satisfied how it works

Alessio Viti Posted - 28 Mar 2006 : 10:15:53
Hi Datenshi,

Sorry for all these problems in converting DB, I am trying to fix them all.

If for you is not a problem, please ZIP your Db and send it to me, so I can better see what cause the problem.

Thank you!

Datenshi Posted - 27 Mar 2006 : 21:56:25
I import my old Database and it doesn't work, this message appears:

An error has ocurred (Probably the database is opened by another application), please restart XMM. If this error persist, please contact BinaryWorks by email and send this error ID: CD1.

Of course the database is not opened by another application; and while the import process I can see several errors on the lower part of the program window (argument 'Lenght' must by greater or equal to...).

And where is the option to sort the movies by CatalogNº? I only can sort them alphabet.

Good luck.

Alessio Viti Posted - 27 Mar 2006 : 17:46:05
Hi Mawu!

Thank you this report, the Import from Old database is worse than I expected, I need to fix a lot of bugs.

About Export: For the others export (HTML etc...) the Field's grid is not scrollable because all of them are exported, you cannot select what export.


Mawu Posted - 27 Mar 2006 : 11:06:49
Hi Alessio,

I've not that much time for testing at the moment because translation of ini-file is a little bit time consuming (I've reached line 200 and hope to present a first result end of this week). Thank you very much for the multilanguage support!

Some observations:

Import of old database: O.k., I have to accept the 01.01.1900 problem, but Date Seen, Date Purchased, Date Last Loan, Date of Insert are not imported correctly from xMM 4.8 (they are set 01.01.1900 or the actual date), media year ("12.11.2002" becomes "12")and price ("7,99 €" becomes "7") is also not complete.
When importing the starring separation of name and personage works very well , but personage is cut (for example: James Stewart (George Bailey) in xMM 4.8 becomes James Sewart (name column) and George Bail (personage column))

Export: only for csv- and txt-export the table with data fields is scrollable

cortexwave Posted - 26 Mar 2006 : 13:47:09
hi Alessio,

1. i try to import a cover from clipboard. in the EDIT window i click on the button "import from clipboard" above the cover and then i can see the cover imported from the clipboard ... but after this there is no cover anymore in the cover-manager for this movie.
[Fixed in Alpha 13]

2. the date-format in the MODIFIED window is still 20060326 (i´ve changed it to in the options)

3. the pulldown menus (like STATUS) should save new values automatically)

4. i have problems after importing movie information (EDIT window open). after the informations are saved to the EDIT window, i try to import the movie information again because the infos were wrong, but the IMPORT manager searches then for an other movie (here "first blood")
[Fixed in Alpha 13]

can you take a look at this?


Alessio Viti Posted - 26 Mar 2006 : 10:32:15
The skip automatically if no direct link is found option, still not working for me...

Fixed in Alpha 13, I had to change also the IMDB Script, so will work only with new script.

Alessio Viti Posted - 26 Mar 2006 : 10:12:27
Hi Cortexwave,

I have fix the Search problem, now should work as you want...

I will answer to others questions during the day, when I will work on it.

Thank you!

cortexwave Posted - 26 Mar 2006 : 09:48:06
hi Alessio,

some things again from germany:

1. i think there should be the possibility in the EDIT window to directly set a cover to the first-position-cover.

2. if i´m importing a movie from the internet and the title is not found i have to close the whole IMPORT-ENGINE, change the title and try again ... this is a long way ... would it be possible to change a title directly in the IMPORT-ENGINE-WINDOW?

3. the search for title does not search for original title (i think it could search in both fields simultaneously)

thank you very much

Alessio Viti Posted - 26 Mar 2006 : 09:05:16
Hi Guys!

@Cyrille: I haven't hear from this guy for years, so I think he will not translate it. Thank you for your help!

@Konker: Thanks also to you Konker, I will be happy to add also Portuguese Br

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