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 New XMM 5.0 Alpha 16 Available for Download!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Alessio Viti Posted - 05 Apr 2006 : 22:12:35
Hi Guys,

Last Alpha (I hope) that I will make available, saturday I will put online the first beta for all people.

Please report all bugs you find so I can better try to fix it these last days.

If someone has make some translation please check new INI file because I have add some new lines.

Thank you!


elease (alpha 16) (5 Apr 2006)
->Added Scrollbars to Search and QuiEdit Panel
->XMM can now automatically check for new releases
->Added a new function is "Add movies from CD/DVD" to assign much files to one movie only
->Search is extended now also to Original Movie Title
->Added MovieID Renumbering function (Advanced Function menu)
->Changed the CPU Target, should more quick in PC with 64 bit CPU
->Now when you use Multiple Changed Editor the Main Grid will be refreshed automatically
->Now the Date are formatted also in Main Grid
->Changed the Grid Values for Loaned and Marked : now have their own Icons
->Added some Video Tutorials, use the My Tutorials window to download

->Fixed much Language Problems
->Fixed a bug in Adding new movie
->Fixed a bug in LiveUpdate
->Fixed a bug in Adding Actors
->Fixed some bugs in Episode Editor
->Fixed some bugs in Actors Editor
19   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alessio Viti Posted - 07 Apr 2006 : 20:17:20
KonKer Posted - 07 Apr 2006 : 20:07:29
Originally posted by KonKer


- in MagicScript Editor the name this incorrect one in the ballon tooltip of the buttons to save and to save as.
[Fixed in 5.1 Beta 1]


Dont´t fixed in XMM

Alessio Viti Posted - 07 Apr 2006 : 20:03:58
Hi Guys,

I have finish just now to upload a new release (the name is the same, but the EXE is updated )

Please try the Advanced PopUp window and let me know what do you think.

Alessio Viti Posted - 07 Apr 2006 : 14:11:09
Hi CortexWave,

Now I have understand, sorry for my bad english!

Thank you!

cortexwave Posted - 07 Apr 2006 : 13:59:39
hi Alessio,

i have a picture for you:

bye and thank you

Alessio Viti Posted - 07 Apr 2006 : 09:20:11
Hi CortexWave!

I have do the highlight of the word in search, should work OK. I have also do the function that automatically select a pnal when you go with mouse on it, so you can scroll without clicking on it. Seem to work correctly.

About Actors: do you mean move the Tree to right (after the ActorCard?)

Thank you!

cortexwave Posted - 07 Apr 2006 : 08:02:45
Thank you Alessio,

here some things more:

1. could you perhaps place the alphabetical sort (A B C D ...) right to the ACTORS SLOT so the people could quicker use it ...

2. now the cursor jumps to the search field automatically (this is great). could you also highlight the word in the search field automatical? so we could directly overwrite it.


Alessio Viti Posted - 07 Apr 2006 : 00:39:34
Hi CortexWave!

1. after we´ve changed something in the QUICK EDIT WINDOW we have to click on the dataset to activate the changes. would it be possible to hit RETURN in the QUICK EDIT to make changes?

I will try to see if I can do this

2. now we always have to click into the panel and then we get the possibilty to scroll this panel ... would it be possible to move the mouse over a panel and scroll without clicking to it first?

I have already try it few days ago but was a disaster, anyway I will try again tomorrow, I have new ideas.

Thank you!

cortexwave Posted - 07 Apr 2006 : 00:13:34
hi Alessio,

1. after we´ve changed something in the QUICK EDIT WINDOW we have to click on the dataset to activate the changes. would it be possible to hit RETURN in the QUICK EDIT to make changes?

2. now we always have to click into the panel and then we get the possibilty to scroll this panel ... would it be possible to move the mouse over a panel and scroll without clicking to it first?

thank you ....

and bye

KonKer Posted - 06 Apr 2006 : 23:26:43

- in MagicScript Editor the name this incorrect one in the ballon tooltip of the buttons to save and to save as.
[Fixed in 5.1 Beta 1]

Alessio Viti Posted - 06 Apr 2006 : 19:07:48
Really thank you for this Mawu! You have made a great job!

Mawu Posted - 06 Apr 2006 : 17:52:56
I have collect it in my PC, but probably I will add all of them in a topic (like the old made by Mawu), so you can see all progress

You can put it in my old list. I have updated it a little bit for the new xMM 5.0.

Mawu Posted - 06 Apr 2006 : 14:08:47

Still missing translations in Alpha 16 (I will send you the so far translated version today):
-In Window "Exchange Informations Throug databases": "MovieID", "Title" in tables
[Fixed in 5.1 Beta 1]

-In Window "Find Duplicates": "Item" in table
[Fixed in 5.1 Beta 1]

In Export-Wizard: "Close" button, in left grid and right table most of the expressions are not translated
[Partially fixed in 5.1 Beta 1]

-In "import from old xMM" window: "MovieID", "Title" in table
[Fixed in 5.1 Beta 1]

Window "Print Collection": "Print Collection" on top, "MovieID" in table, "Section Heights", "GridLine Colours", "Grid Background Colours", the space for "odd/even rows" is too small for german translation
[Fixed in 5.1 Beta 1]

-Window "Add Wizard": "Close" button>
[Fixed in 5.1 Beta 1]

-Add/Edit-Window: "Starring" tab; "Extra:" tab where does the ":" come from, space for "personal rating" too small
[Fixed in 5.1 Beta 1]

-Magic Script Import Engine: list of available fields for import is not translated, in table of imported info "previous inormation" and "new imported informations" is also not translated

- friend-manager: "friend" in table
[Fixed in 5.1 Beta 1]

-cover-manager: "move selected cover at first position", button at bottom contains "6"
[Fixed in 5.1 Beta 1]

-Window "Error Updating Informations": "Error Updating Informations", " The Movie your are trying to open doesn't exit anymore in the database"
[Fixed in 5.1 Beta 1]

-MagicScript Editor: most is untranslated

-Script-Manager: "Delete Script", "Clone Script"
[Fixed in 5.1 Beta 1]

-Chain-Manager: "Create New Chain"; "Type", "Chain FileName", "Description", "Script Fiename", "Quality", "Options" in tables
[Fixed in 5.1 Beta 1]

-Statistic window: "Statistic of"
[Fixed in 5.1 Beta 1]

-In list managment: respective window titles are not translated, also "value" in tables
[Partially fixed in 5.1 Beta 1]

-Options: "Save Changes"/"Close" buttons, "Please select your language", "Remember you must restart XMM to apply change to language"
[Fixed in 5.1 Beta 1]

-"MovieID Renumbering"
[Fixed in 5.1 Beta 1]

-cover print manager: "CD Covers", "Simple Cover with Images Only" "Front CD Cover with Informations", "VHS Covers", "DVD Covers" in left tree + text in "Simple Cover with Images Only" menue

-treeview in main window: "group by" at bottom movie grid in main window: available fields for selection should be all translated

Moviecards: html-replacers for the new fields (movies) are highly desireable.
[Added these tags: _MOVIE_FILMQUALITY_

Import from old xMM: cut of the last two letters of personage still exist, also the "wrong" date format for media year
[Should be OK now in 5.1 Beta 1]

MovieID renumbering: feature request: like in xMM 4.8 "delete the holes in ID", that's what I use the renumbering function for exlusively.

As there are no filters available at the moment I tried to misuse the treeview for that purpose. I select "marked" field in custom treeview and get two folders "true" / "false" (both are empty). Is there a way to sort marked and unmarked movies in treeview?
[Fixed the bug in 5.1 Beta 1]
Alessio Viti Posted - 06 Apr 2006 : 12:15:59
Hi Henry,

Not it's arrived, thank you very much!

There are only few new lines to translate, just check the English.ini

Thank you!!

Henry Posted - 06 Apr 2006 : 11:03:18

I did send you the translation last Sunday, but did send it again today.
Check your mail :)
Alessio Viti Posted - 06 Apr 2006 : 10:16:52
Hi CortexWave!

whar should we do with the ideas and things which are not ready yet but in the other alpha posts ... are you collecting them? or should we copy them alwys into the ne alpha thread?

I have collect it in my PC, but probably I will add all of them in a topic (like the old made by Mawu), so you can see all progress

1. loaning out one movie takes a long time. could only the movie be refreshed and not the whole grid? or is this not possible?

It's really strange. I have try just now with a database of 800 movies and loan one movie takes really no time, few than one second.
I have just select the movie, right click , Loan.

XMM reload only the dataset of this movie and not the whole grid.

KonKer Posted - 06 Apr 2006 : 01:01:30

when import movies from HD/CD/DVD, where this the "txt" that is used to clean the name of the files?


KonKer Posted - 06 Apr 2006 : 00:27:54
Hi Alessio

great work, this being great!

- when the option "When Importing, Add New Values Only to Blank Fields (Of the not replace existing informations) " this selected, no this working for Original Title
[Fixed in 5.1 Beta 1]


- in covers manager the button "exit" this with incorrect name
[Fixed in 5.1 Beta 1]


cortexwave Posted - 05 Apr 2006 : 23:37:15
hi Alessio,

and thank you for your work.

whar should we do with the ideas and things which are not ready yet but in the other alpha posts ... are you collecting them? or should we copy them alwys into the ne alpha thread?

i have some things:

1. loaning out one movie takes a long time. could only the movie be refreshed and not the whole grid? or is this not possible?

2. after i returned a movie the MOVIECARD is not refreshed.

good night

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