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 Editing moviecards

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Romio Posted - 06 Apr 2006 : 22:59:44
I'm breaking my head over this one.
I'm trying to get de custom11 in to the moviecards but i'm having problems with it. I'm using dreamweaver 8.
It's no problem making a new page with some of the data from the database but i'm not able to use the custom11 part. I want to use this because I have my moviemistakes in there.
Could someone help me??
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mumra Posted - 06 Jul 2009 : 16:36:15
recently I've discovered that with the latest edition of XMM, the back cover is no longer represented by the tag:

And thus, older entries to my database show the back cover correctly whereas, newer entries only display the back cover via the 'picture view/back cover' module which is not favourable.

What is the new tag for the back cover?
How best would you advise writting a movie card so that it functions for both older and newer movie entries?

Here is an example of my current movie card.
Alessio Viti Posted - 31 Mar 2009 : 06:35:02
Please sorry very much for my delay!

The tag for media label is _MOVIE_MEDIALABEL_

Please let me know if you have problems.

Thank you,

mumra Posted - 28 Mar 2009 : 17:13:47
Originally posted by Yxen

Can you send us a complete list of all movie card tags with a short explanation or at least XMM name with them? I am looking of adding "Media Labels" from the "Files" tab as this box holds the CD/DVD ID for me.

Yxen Yxen

I am also looking for this and I've not seen this anywhere in the list. Please can this be updated to show "Media Labels" from the "Files" tab.

Mawu Posted - 13 Jun 2006 : 15:35:45
Hi Alessio!

I have gone through the moviecards (in order to update my old table with all tags) and your list and found some inconsistencies and incompleteness

Missing html-Replacer "Field Name":

Inconsistencies between xMM 4.8 & 5.0:

Audio Format (_MOVIE_AUDIOFORMAT) has become AudioDVD (_MOVIE_AUDIODVD_),but tags are still working and are identical with former Audio tags (_MOVIE_AUDIOFORMAT_ = _MOVIE_AUDIO_)

_MOVIE_LANGUAGE_ and _MOVIE_ORIGINALLANGUAGE_ are identical and both working in 5.0

_MOVIE_START_ has changed to _MOVIE_POSITION_, but _TMOVIE_START_ is still working and _TMOVIE_POSITION_ not available

_MOVIE_MEDIAST_ has changed into _MOVIE_STATUS_, but is still available and identical with _PACKAGING_

What is the VideoDVD field for? Similar to Screen Ratio?

Not supported any longer in 5.0:

Last Movie Edited Data (_MOVIE_LAST_EDITED_DATA_)
Movie Type (_MOVIE_TYPE_)
Last Movie Edited ID (_MOVIE_LAST_EDITED_ID_)
Last Movie Edited Title (_MOVIE_LAST_EDITED_TITLE_)
Last Movie Loaned Data (_MOVIE_LAST_LOAN_DATA_ )
Last Movie Loaned ID (_MOVIE_LAST_LOAN_ID_)
Last Movie Loaned Title (_MOVIE_LAST_LOAN_TITLE_)

What is the impact of these changes on (advanced)(x)html export?


Alessio Viti Posted - 12 Jun 2006 : 12:29:01
Hi Guys,

Sorry for my late reply!

This is the list of tags, I hope to find some time to add also a short description:



kennygno Posted - 11 Jun 2006 : 22:15:49
Yeah, a list would be great.
Yxen Posted - 10 Jun 2006 : 00:38:43
Can I ask for the list of tags as well? Will be this available in downloaded program help or some other way too?

Yxen Yxen
ejfudd Posted - 09 Jun 2006 : 01:55:17
Hi Alessio,
If you have prepared the list of TAGS for use in moviecards, could you post it or send me a copy? Thanks.
cairel Posted - 03 May 2006 : 21:30:40
Thaks Alessio. I see you check that was not possible in previous releases.
Alessio Viti Posted - 03 May 2006 : 12:57:57
Hi Cairel,

In next release you can use this:



cairel Posted - 02 May 2006 : 15:01:01
Alessio, please incluide the way to include the seen(not seen status.
Alessio Viti Posted - 02 May 2006 : 10:45:42
OK, I will try to preparet this list for today or tomorrow morning.

Yxen Posted - 01 May 2006 : 21:48:43
Can you send us a complete list of all movie card tags with a short explanation or at least XMM name with them? I am looking of adding "Media Labels" from the "Files" tab as this box holds the CD/DVD ID for me.

Yxen Yxen
Alessio Viti Posted - 10 Apr 2006 : 12:04:40

It's strange, because _MOVIE_LANGUAGE_ and _MOVIE_ORIGINALLANGUAGE_ are both exported.

I will add the PHP extension.


darjanp Posted - 09 Apr 2006 : 16:29:14
the old _MOVIE_LANGUAGE_ tag is not working in any of the movie cards. Has to be replaced with new _MOVIE_ORIGINALLANGUAGE_ tag?

And one more question. I made my own movie card, whic has a few lines of php included. In order to work it has to be named with php extension. It works just fine, but it is not possible to see a movie card from XMM, because only .htm and .html extension are supported. CAn you add support for .php extensions?
Alessio Viti Posted - 08 Apr 2006 : 07:29:14
Hi Haven't do it yet, I will prepare it. Anyway, you can take a look at the Example MovieCard, plus:



Romio Posted - 07 Apr 2006 : 23:45:51
Thanks Alessio,
This helped me alot.
I'm just edit the moviecards already in xmm and add the info I like to have in a moviecard.

Is there a list of all the tags I can use for the moviecards?

Alessio Viti Posted - 06 Apr 2006 : 23:39:56
Hi Romio

The TAG is _MOVIE_CUSTOMFIELD11_ and should be exported correctly in XMM 5.0

If you want send to me the MovieCard, I will make the test to see why isn't working


PS: Are you using some javascript or others language inside MovieCard? Official Forum © Go To Top Of Page
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