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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Alessio Viti Posted - 03 May 2006 : 16:59:22
Hi Guys,

I have finish to upload the new release. I haven't fix everythings you wrote on topics, but I have fix much bugs and I have add ComboBoxes in Edit Window (Movies).

I have already start to work to, as always please report bugs and suggestions.

Thank you all!


Release (3 May 2006)
->Added possibility to click on Mini Statistic to filter movies
->Added Percentage to Mini Statistic
->Added some ComboBox to Movie Edit window
->Added Toolbar Style Configuration
->Added the possibility to Skip if NO DirectLinks are found
->Length in Mini Statistic is now in Days-hours-Minutes
->Mini Statistic Heigth is now Saved
->Now you can Mark/Unmark also Selected Episodes of a TV Serie
->Now the TVSerie picture is resized automatically in SerieCard
->Now the Episode picture is resized automatically in EpisodeCard
->Now Edit Window doesn't ask to save changes anymore if you have set it in configuration window
->Added _MOVIE_SEEN_ tag for MovieCards
->Updated the way XMM search for movies in grid when you press keys in Keyboard

->Fixed some Bugs in MovieCards
->Fixed a bug in CD/DVD import, now takes also Mesia Label
->Fixed a bug in Saving ScreenRatio (Movie Edit Window)
->Fixed Tab Order Sequence in QuickEdit and Edit window
->Fixed a problem in refreshing Mini Statistic
->Fixed a bug in Loading Status Combobox (Episodes)
->Fixed a bug in Multiple Edit window
->Fixed a bug in Saving Picture from Clipboard (TV Series and Episodes)
->Deleted Multiple Changes from TV Series and Actors because not ready yet
->Fixed a bug when you paste from clipboard a picture (all modifications where lost)
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
avi Posted - 08 May 2006 : 18:33:02
thank you, this will be very usefull for cleaning up my covers ;-)

Alessio Viti Posted - 08 May 2006 : 11:08:15
Hi Avi,

I have add the possibility to delete all covers except the first in Cover's Manager just now (



Alessio Viti Posted - 07 May 2006 : 09:24:39
OK, I will do it.

Thank you!

avi Posted - 06 May 2006 : 16:40:05

one additional wish to the cover manager: please add a button to delete all covers except the first one for the choosen movie direct in the cover manager

Sammler Posted - 06 May 2006 : 15:12:12
Hi Alessio,

is it possible to add an icon in the covers manager to copy a cover from the covers manager into the clipboard?
For example, after add a movie into xmm, i need to export the covers in external programms.

thx and have a nice weekend,

KonKer Posted - 06 May 2006 : 01:51:59
Hi Alessio,

In Media Manager, how to add a new icon or how to change one?


MTS Posted - 05 May 2006 : 17:25:26
Hi Alessio,

Also in mini statistics, although i have length in some of my movies, the only thing i see there is
Total Length: D, h m.
Mawu Posted - 03 May 2006 : 19:04:29
Hi Alessio,

first of all: thank you for the nice new features.

I can confirm MTS observations concerning the genre fields.
Additionally: when putting new data to the STATUS field (because I don't like the english expressions) it's not saved which means it doesn't appear as selection in combobox.
[Done in]

Further suggestions:
1. as in xMM 4.8 there should be a button next to the data fields where you can open an list manager to edit combobox entries.
2. I would like to see a few more data fields with comboboxes: Country, Codec, Resolution, Audio, Movie categorie (in extra field)
3. For multi entry fields like language, subtitle and features field I would like to see a better handling like the field manager for grid with a source list and a target list where you can move the several possible data entries
4. Feature field: please a little big bigger and scrollable like the chapters field

MTS Posted - 03 May 2006 : 18:33:24
No, i mean i already have different values(entries) in genre subgenre and original language in my current database, but when i use the dropdown for these 3 in a new movie (or in any movie already there), it does not appear anything, just an empty line. For all other dropdown comboboxes its fine. Only these 3 dont show anything (genre, subgenre, orig. language)
Alessio Viti Posted - 03 May 2006 : 18:26:23

Yes, I think I will add comboboxes also to quickedit. What do you mean about Empty conbobox? Every combobox is filled by values you have in your database. If you create a new database the Genre, subgenre etc.. combobox are empty.

MTS Posted - 03 May 2006 : 18:12:57
Hi Alessio,

On first look, a minor thing, the combobox in add/edit of genre, subgenre and original language doesnt show any other values.
And do you plan to have the same combobox also in quickedit view?

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