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 eXtreme Movie Manager (Rel. 7), No More Updates
 Working around multiple file films

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
mcompton69 Posted - 08 May 2006 : 23:00:32
Hi all, newbie here

I have only just installed and started working with EMM and the problem i am having is that the vast majority of films i have are in two 700Mb (ish) files. So when i scan the folder that they are in, i get 2 entries for each film, twice the scanning etc. etc. etc.

Is there anyway that EMM can 'intelligently' scan the folder and add 2 (or more) files to the same DB entry automatically, so they appear as file 1, file 2 etc.

All my files are in the format "[title] CDx.avi" such as "8 Mile CD1.avi"

Thanks for your help all!

Mike :)

(NOTE: All refences to existing copywritten materials are purely coincidental)
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alessio Viti Posted - 28 Nov 2006 : 20:57:04

There is the function to scan hard disk in search for files.

After you have read the files, you can select the files of one movie and press the "JOIN" button. With this, XMM will know that two or more files are of the same movie.

mcompton69 Posted - 28 Nov 2006 : 20:14:05
Hi Alessio

I have just installed EMM again for the first time in months.

I still cannot find any feature that will help me:

Is there anyway that EMM can 'intelligently' scan the folder and add 2 (or more) files from the HDD to the same DB entry automatically, so they appear as file 1, file 2 etc.

Basically i have lots of movies that have 2 files e.g Saw CD1.avi , Saw CD2.avi etc.

I am using version

Alessio Viti Posted - 27 Jul 2006 : 14:59:57

I have add it just now in the


mcompton69 Posted - 25 Jul 2006 : 21:54:59
Do you have any idea when the work might be completed?
Alessio Viti Posted - 25 Jul 2006 : 17:24:35

This feature is ready if you read files from CD/DVD. I must work to add this feature in Hard DIsk reading.


mcompton69 Posted - 24 Jul 2006 : 22:45:53

re. adding films with multiple files being recognised as just one film

Has this feature been added yet, as promised?

Using extrememm5.1b9
MTS Posted - 04 Jun 2006 : 12:18:30
Hi Alessio,

As i pointed before, i think if you edit an already imported movie and add file info through the "Read File", you cannot add 2 different cd files for the same movie. XMM reads only the cd/dvd in the drive. If you read that file, then eject the cd, put another cd and read the second file, xmm only keeps the file info (and movie length) from the second file ONLY.

Only way to add a two file movie together (written in 2 different cd's) is to import it to database from the beginning, (Lookup cd/dvd for movies option) because ONLY then you have the option to "Join selected file to ONE movie".

Hope you understand what i mean, and have a look whenever you can to correct it.

Alessio Viti Posted - 04 Jun 2006 : 08:06:45

I am sorry, XMM cannot scan "intelligently" hard disk yet, but you can select more than one file and XMM will add correctly the Movie Length.

mcompton69 Posted - 04 Jun 2006 : 01:45:31
Hi Alessio

Any progress with this yet?

I have just upgraded to with still no sign :(

Using extrememm5.1b9
MTS Posted - 10 May 2006 : 17:13:53
can you also add the option in "Read File" in add/edit window to read files from 2 different cd's and add the result for the same movie (total length and filenames)?

Alessio Viti Posted - 09 May 2006 : 19:21:44

This option is available only in add from CD/DVD, but I will soon add it also in Hard Disk scanning.

Thank you!

mcompton69 Posted - 09 May 2006 : 19:09:25
press the "Join Selected files to ONE movie

Hi, thanks for your reply

There is no button in the Add Movies->Lookup HDD for movie interface and there is no option in all of the menus in eXtreme Movie Manager.

Are you mistaken?

Using extrememm5.1b9
MTS Posted - 09 May 2006 : 03:53:23
Hi mcompton69,

If you add a new movie in database straight from dvd, you go to Add Movies->Lookup cd/dvd for movie, then scan the files there. You highlight the files that are from the same movie and press the "Join Selected files to ONE movie". The files are added in one movie as you said. For cd the same, you enter the first then the second cd, and you highlight both files as one movie.

There is also a video tutorial available for that.

Now if you already have a movie present, and want to add file info from the add/edit window, the "Read Files" option there does not support something like that, as far as i know, which is something i'd like to have as well.

Alessio please correct me if i'm wrong. Official Forum © Go To Top Of Page
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