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 eXtreme Movie Manager (Rel. 7), No More Updates
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T O P I C    R E V I E W
caunt Posted - 13 Nov 2006 : 22:48:59
Let's see:
Movie Collector:
-nice interface,
-very good automatic data retrieval (multiple sources)
- proprietary database
- no import whatsoever
- no episode support whatsoever
- no immediate solutions noticed while browsing on the forums
- no support for multiple media per title

- good automatic data retrieval (limited to one source)
- episode support (again limited to one source)
- standard database format
- some parts of interface very good (many user maintained drop-down lists)
- developer seems responsive on forums,
- import and export
- specifically said data retrieval sources will remain limited to one source.
- very limited support linking titles together.
- interface can be confusing

Extreme Movie Manager
- well laid-out interface
- excellent automatic data retrieval (multiple sources + adjustable/expandable)
- import and export
- very responsive developer
- very good episode support
- standard database format
- no current support for multiple media per title
- interface has very few data fields using drop-down, user maintained lists )see below)
- either I found a bug already, or parts of the system aren't clear to me

All 3 have strengths and weaknesses. Movie collector got knocked out early due to a feeling after browsing the forums, that not much was going to change, at least not very quickly. Plus the lack of import and proprietary data format both leave me cold.

I had already decided that catvids beat movie collector, but went browsing the web for other options because they too, already made it clear they weren't planning on addressing the program's main weakness... thelack of internet import sources.

EMM has the critical features: episode support, standard data format, import/export. But the kicker is that the developer has shown himself interested and willing to address both problems and suggestions...and at a startlingly fast rate.
It needs a little work to be as usable as some of the others, but browsing these forums gave me the most hope that the areas that need work will get it little by little. (its catching up quickly) Besides. Money is tight with me, and $30/$50/$70 makes me feel like the product has a lot to live up to, making me feel disappointed when they are lacking. eu10 makes me feel like I'm helping to keep a great project going - that yes there are some weak spots, but that is the point... I'm helping it improve. That's a much better feeling. :)

I think I have to buy an EMM license.
I bought an EMM license

Now what did I say about things gettings fixed little by little? Alessio has ALREADY added more drop-down boxes...since I wrote this comparison list out last night...
20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alessio Viti Posted - 10 Oct 2013 : 16:54:10

Yes, but please write me a private email, I need to send you different codes for the new XMM 8

alessioviti -at-

microbi Posted - 10 Oct 2013 : 15:49:49
basicly I want to see if my account still works.
I bought extreme movie manager ages ago ($10 I think...) and it said "life time" account so I hope it is ;)

//Member Since: 04 Apr 2005
SlayeRaiN Posted - 14 Jan 2013 : 01:59:40
Alessio Viti, r u alone work on XMM? I know, program not big and pretty possible that one person can write it (i used to be a db programmer a lilbit) but i thought it a hole company and at least 5 programmers in it.
I actually also think that XMM is the first movie catalogizator from those i've tried. But clearly its still far from wat i would like to see in it. And interface become more complicated for me. I usually cant find functions i used to have, maybe they r missin or moved somewhere.
About famous of the program. I think it's first one. It's just not much ppl collecting movies and keep catalog for them. This thing may be usefull for selling movie shops or rent places. But for use in commercial area program has to be perfect. No bugs, absolutely user friendly and stable.
Anyway I like this project but surely would like to see it ready for good. If u wana, u can connect with me, i'll give u few advise how to make it better, organize for better use. Not for commercial, just for private user. For commercial i think u gotta do some kinda special addition which will be sharped on sell, UNIcode and stuff. Put private and commercial versions together usually leads to horrible results.
Alessio Viti Posted - 11 Jan 2012 : 18:19:26
Thank you!

You are right, there are bugs on XMM (every software has it ), but we work really hard to try to fix everything.

Stay tuned, because during 2012 there will be a lot of new thigs

Frag_AU Posted - 11 Jan 2012 : 16:09:19
I had a large movie collection all over the place with friends and family wanting to see this or that and I never could show them a list...

I have spent 3 odd days getting everything in order and finally found this program to make it all work flawlessly, print a pdf list and make it easy just to choose something..

I did try another 2 proggies but they were way to simplified and to be honest yours was quite feature packed but i found the interface quite easy to use. I still get a few crashes here and there (exceptions when it runs out of resources) but thats when i do 2 things at once like create grid pdf while its importing (duh!)..

Anyway keep it up, I am very impressed how you treat your customers.. I have recommended this app to a few people =)
Alessio Viti Posted - 10 Jan 2012 : 07:02:37
Really a big thank you!!!

You will see tons of new things on this year, also the GUI will be better and better...

Stay tuned!

SlayeRaiN Posted - 10 Jan 2012 : 00:57:07
dude, u don't have any idea how much programs for movie managing i've tried. It's a pure luck i found forum where one dude was recomended XMM. Advantually i found out he is my coworker lol.
So, I tried all up above and even more. Yes, some of them work really fast, and have more friendly interface, but none of them give what i want from movie actually manager. Some ppl just use it like info what they have and what dvd or something. IDK for me CD,DVD and even BR is last century. Today all new TV, dvd or br players, media players hard drive oriented. Tomorrow disk will become a history. I have 1.5k movies just on 2 hard drives. Just amaze what collection of 1.5k movies will looks like on disks? Whole room. And find movie u want to watch - crazies. And what if u not sure what u wanna see today? So back to topic XMM is best program to collecting your movies, attaching them to file and ability to play right the way AND NOW in has more less acceptable thumbnail view (still can't find how to remove title and borders) where u can surfing for movie u want to see.
THANK U SANTA. Next christmass i want 2Tb hard drive lol
lyp881213 Posted - 28 Jan 2011 : 04:25:58
NiceŁ¬thanks your sharing.
Alessio Viti Posted - 28 Aug 2010 : 08:42:26
Please just write me a private email, we will check together.

Thank you,

xhitiz Posted - 28 Aug 2010 : 01:51:53
i have made payment through paypal but i didn't get any activation code could you please help me
Alessio Viti Posted - 16 Aug 2010 : 06:45:14
Thank you wakamoto!

I will develope in future the web integration much better. I will start make testings soon.

Thank you again,

wakamoto Posted - 16 Aug 2010 : 00:37:59
Just purchased today, felt good being able to contribute to such useful software.

Hoping that the HTML export to web features will be available soon.

It's nice being able to browse the collection from Intranet or Internet.

henrinaiara Posted - 01 Jan 2010 : 16:00:19
xmm is the best... keep updating... :D
Alessio Viti Posted - 28 Sep 2009 : 05:02:37

I will try to fix these issues soon to arrive at 100%

Thank you!!

pjrollo2000 Posted - 26 Sep 2009 : 15:48:27
I have tried all software in this category and this is the only one that covers 90% of what I wanted from this kind of software so I purchased .there’s a couple of issues to sort out.

1 html card when I disable tool bar and status bar after restart there back
2 when I do a update for a film I have to click of the film title and select another then back on the film I updated to see changes

Apart from them I would give this software 100%
LiquidTV Posted - 12 Aug 2009 : 15:52:04
Great progam! Was about time I upgraded from version 2.
Got my activation e-mail a minute or so after paying with paypal, so could start right away.
DjBoXeR Posted - 10 Jun 2009 : 23:08:46
Agreed! Alessio, you are the reason I paid for this program! (well you know,.. the prgram of course rocks) You can't beat the dedication and work you have and continue to put into it. I promote XMM on facebook, myspace and my personal website.

About not getting emails.... Check your spam folders!!! Yahoo put my email into the spam folder and luckily I checked! Just set it as not spam and all should be good.

TiRohn Posted - 08 Jun 2009 : 15:44:40
Originally posted by Alessio Viti

Hi TiRohn,

Thank you for your appreciations!!!

Have you try the Main Grid Export? You can export it also in pdf format.

Btw, in future there will be available also a "report generator", where you will be able to create your own report and print/export it in any format.

Thank you!


Well, I already tried all exports, but, if you quickly have a look at my list on my homepage (URL above) then you'll see what my 'problem' is. I'd like to have a list with the front pic and some info's about the movie. Your current export just give me a 'hardcopy' of the grid I'm looking at within xMM. But I will wait patiently for your mentioned 'report generator' (would also beta test it if you like... ), because I'm very happy with your app and support so long!!

Alessio Viti Posted - 05 Jun 2009 : 18:00:31
Hi TiRohn,

Thank you for your appreciations!!!

Have you try the Main Grid Export? You can export it also in pdf format.

Btw, in future there will be available also a "report generator", where you will be able to create your own report and print/export it in any format.

Thank you!


TiRohn Posted - 05 Jun 2009 : 10:45:12
Originally posted by caunt

Let's see:
Movie Collector:
-nice interface,
-very good automatic data retrieval (multiple sources)

I must admit, this is a good analysis of the current top movie collector apps. I was using Movie Collector since version 3.x, when it was just as good as xMM (sorry Alessio, don't want to offend you, but the old version were really good). At this time they also replied quite quick (but not as quick as Alessio) and they also supported several import sources, simply by Perl Scripts (one of them I wrote myself... ). But since tha latest version, they only support their own source which is not good enough for me since I really love to have several sources to add as much info as possible to a movie (especially german infos are very rare now in MVC).

Now the main reason for buying this app is very simple: you answered very quickly with a good solution for importing my MVC data and the forum is very, really very helpful in various cases!! This would be even more worth for me than 10 Euros!!

The most actual xMM release now is a very good one. Look & Feel is just perfect now and it is as well quick and stable (well, at least for me). The only thing now which should be improved quickly is the custom reporting. I would like to export my movies to a small booklet (in PDF) and to HTML for my own Homepage ( On the booklet it should be possible to have the main data (Title, Original Title, Movie Release Year, Cast Top10, Front Pic) and a Desription. THIS would be really grreat to have...

Hope you don't mind, Alessio, I surely don't want to downsize your great work, I really appreciate it greatly!!! This is just my 'simple' one and only wish for this fantastic piece of work!!!

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