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 Reverse order

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
kicksumass Posted - 11 Jun 2009 : 13:57:01
Hi, In Ver.6 how can I reverse the alpabetic order in the listing as mine(for some reason) has decided to be reversed so that it reads "Z" to "1" from top to bottom and I really would like to read it from "1" to "Z"? Also is it possible to be in numeric order instead of alphabetic?
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kicksumass Posted - 15 Jun 2009 : 16:56:11
Yep I found -by accident- after reading your reply that it can display in numerical order,via Movie ID, which then corresponds to my Excel listing.Very handy
JDommi Posted - 13 Jun 2009 : 17:43:10
You know that you can sort with more than one column?
First sort title or what ever you want and second right click on a.e. location and sort again... for more sorting criterias just go on with step 2.
I think more you can't do with excel ;)
kicksumass Posted - 13 Jun 2009 : 12:50:53
Damn!!! That was tooo easy.I'll have to find something a bit more difficult.

The reason I wanted numerical order(in case you're wondering) is that I have over 1200 titles to list from 2x500 disk boxes and I was hoping to use the EMM listing as a reference for when I wanted to find the location of a title quickly, so I was thinking make 2 db's like box1 and box2 for example and then have the listing correspond to each box.Ah,well for that function I'll have to continue using my Excel dbs.
Anyway,thanks for that
JDommi Posted - 11 Jun 2009 : 14:05:27
Just click again on the column header and XMM reverses sort order ;)
numeric / alphabetic order? sorting is always alphanumerical - standard sorting method... Official Forum © Go To Top Of Page
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