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T O P I C    R E V I E W
runonflat Posted - 14 Aug 2009 : 21:47:30

I found this very nice tool for getting the info from the Emm Db to html pages, but I have a small problem. I like to have the html files on my server, but the path for playing a movie is for having the html files on the NMT. And there is a problem getting the seasons and episodes for a TV show to the Movie Detail page. Can anyone please help me out.


5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
mmqwertz Posted - 27 Mar 2010 : 08:11:47

I just wanted to say, that I would like a tv show support, too. Just to let you know, there is more than one user, who would be happy about this, once you finished the dynamic pages.
Really great tool, by the way! Thanks a lot, it was the main reason why I bought XMM.

JustME Posted - 18 Aug 2009 : 15:36:15
UNC network paths appear to cause problems with various apps and I have found that most of them can be avoided by using a persistent drive letter mapped to the share.
A little planning for consistent drive letters among all the shares on all your machines has worked well for me. I also ensure that each removable volume is assigned the same drive letter and haven't had any issues since
ternot Posted - 17 Aug 2009 : 16:24:14
if I understand it correctly, you view the html files on your NMT, and the video files are located on a server in the network?

Currently I'm not planning supporting TV shows, as I'm working on a script, which imports an XMM XML into a MySQL database and displays the movies not the static way like pure html files... So I do have another focus currently :-)

Best regards
runonflat Posted - 16 Aug 2009 : 10:33:18
Hi ternot,

Thanks for you answer. But I have all my moviefiles on my server, there is 4 TB of movies an TV shows, so you see my problem with the NMT path.

Do you plan to inklude the TV Shows as well?

Ones again, realy nice tool,

ternot Posted - 15 Aug 2009 : 16:36:19

if you enter the absolute path "file:///opt/sybhttpd/localhost.drives/HARD_DISK/Video/" in the field "Path On NMT" (if you have the movies in the Video folder on the NMT), then it doesn´t matter where you have located the html files.

Before I switched, I also had these files on a server.

Regarding the problem with the TV shows... The tool does only support actors and movies, not TV shows, sorry.

Best regards
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