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 Rescanning Movie Parameters

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
stevendm Posted - 25 Sep 2004 : 00:14:01
I have been using EMM for a long time. In that time I have entered many video files into the database using the Mass Files Add function.

For whatever reason, some of the video files that were entered did not have a codec, resolution, etc set in the database. I have gone ahead and downloaded info from IMDB and entered my comments on these files.

Now, new versions of EMM have come out that will read the video file information. I would like to use Mass Files Add on these disks to reread the file info without losing or duplicating the information that I have already entered about these video files.

Is there any way to do this?

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alessio Viti Posted - 17 Dec 2006 : 15:50:52

I haven't finish it yet, I am working on it.

Thank you,

AlCapone Posted - 17 Dec 2006 : 15:22:33
the "re-read codec information" menu-item is disabled.. why ?

Rincewind Posted - 22 Nov 2005 : 15:26:38
Originally posted by lorac

I guess i'm wondering if this is now possible?

I've entered a lot of DVD's with the mass title add, but when you do that you don't get any codec information. Which somewhat sucks, because some movies are PAL, others NTSC.

Is there a way to edit an existing Movie, and add the codec information to it?

Another question... does EMM need to read all the vob/ifo files on a DVD to obtain the codec/movie info? I'm just thinking that if I can't edit the movies i've entered, and need to reenter them again to get their codec info it would be a lot easier to only have to copy a few files rather than the whole DVD.

In 4.8 (and maybe earlier) you can
* select a record or movie in the database
* click the edit icon
* click the read files icon
* select the drive and/or directory and double click it. The files are then displayed in the LH panel
* select the file you want to read and double click the file name
This updates file size, directory etc information.

Read files has an option to go to next record but sadly it always goes to the next record ion alphabetic order. I have logged it as a bug/change (depending on what was supposed to happen :-)


lorac Posted - 05 Nov 2005 : 01:55:24
I guess i'm wondering if this is now possible?

I've entered a lot of DVD's with the mass title add, but when you do that you don't get any codec information. Which somewhat sucks, because some movies are PAL, others NTSC.

Is there a way to edit an existing Movie, and add the codec information to it?

Another question... does EMM need to read all the vob/ifo files on a DVD to obtain the codec/movie info? I'm just thinking that if I can't edit the movies i've entered, and need to reenter them again to get their codec info it would be a lot easier to only have to copy a few files rather than the whole DVD.
stevendm Posted - 30 Sep 2004 : 22:37:51
Thank you. Keep up the good work, EMM is great.
Alessio Viti Posted - 28 Sep 2004 : 22:14:31

I am sorry, there isn't a function for do this, but it's a cool idea, I have add it to my work-list

Thank you!

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