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 OFDB-Script brings errors

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Cubi2k Posted - 08 Sep 2006 : 20:06:24
I bought this product and was happy, but since the last Update, the The Manager has been a problem with the script. After searching a string, there are errors:
"Can't Find the Word on the #FIND# Instruction: Line 89
(I think the number doesn't change itself.
Please help me, I just want to import movies again with ofdb :-)

Oh i forgot something - By clicking the error-box away with "Ok", the programm does find some results (including the right one), but clicking the right movie, an other result will be imported.

19   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alessio Viti Posted - 07 Nov 2006 : 16:00:08
Ops, my mistake, should be available now.


Mawu Posted - 07 Nov 2006 : 15:36:24

Automatic update function doesn't show me the new OFDB script.

Alessio Viti Posted - 07 Nov 2006 : 10:00:22
Uploaded the updated script just now.

Thank you Oliver!

Oliver678 Posted - 07 Nov 2006 : 00:13:26

Guess I found a solution for the "original title" problem.

A few weeks ago I just tried to change Kat=DTitel to Kat=Titel within the #WEBQUERY# URL. But this did not seem to work, because no results were found.
Now I was trying again and found out that results actually are part the HTML code of the result page, but the script is searching for the wrong key word or stop word.

Open following two URLs in different browser windows and compare the result:

On the search result page of the first URL, you will find the words "Deutscher Titel:" above the movie title.
Whereas on the search result page of the second URL there is only the word "Titel:".
Thus when using "Kat=Titel" the OFDB.DE.TXT cannot find the term "Deutscher Titel". It should search for "Titel:" instead.

Change two line in the OFDB.DE.TXT script to get around the "original title" problem.


-    #FINDLINE#=Deutscher Titel#12##ONERROR#=*OK*
+    #FINDLINE#=Titel:#12##ONERROR#=*OK*

Don't forget to add a colon (:) after Titel

Does it work for you?

carsten Posted - 04 Nov 2006 : 12:07:39
Is someone working on the original title search bug ? (posted on 11 Sep 2006)
What is the status with the umlaut-bug in german movies ?
Mawu Posted - 12 Oct 2006 : 15:50:58

Any news about cover-paradies script?
carsten Posted - 11 Sep 2006 : 10:26:04
I found another error.
The newest version doesn't find films when i search with the original (english) title (and not the german title of the movie).
The older versions and the ofdb search does find these films.
Jesse69 Posted - 10 Sep 2006 : 17:04:20
@Raistlin - just make an update from inside the Programm
Raistlin Posted - 10 Sep 2006 : 13:30:21
where can i download the new ofdb script?
Jesse69 Posted - 10 Sep 2006 : 12:39:42
OFDB works fine - now working makes fun again.
Many Thanx 2 Alessio. (just hoping for coverparadies)
Alessio Viti Posted - 09 Sep 2006 : 16:25:44
Thank you Avi!!

avi Posted - 09 Sep 2006 : 13:05:07
The Error Message "Gib bitte mindestens 3 Zeichen ein! "
means "Enter at least 3 signs!"

how about extended search insted of simple:
this link brings a result

and a link with spaces (%20) and umlautsühner
works also

I just tried OFDB-Script with "Ronin" - now it works perfect - THANKS.
Alessio Viti Posted - 09 Sep 2006 : 12:16:49
About Cover-Paradies,

I have try to find the new webquery without success. Have you any idea?

I have try :

But I receive an error message (in German) that I cannot understand.

Cubi2k Posted - 09 Sep 2006 : 11:57:29
Originally posted by Alessio Viti

Hi Guys,

I have uplaod just now a new OFDB script, should not give error anymore when wrote the list of movies found.

@Avi: The error you have with cover is because you already have imported a cover in the past, so XMM leave the cover field blank (take a look at it).

A solution is to manually write in the Cover' fields the name of the first cover.

Let me know if you have problems.


PS I am trying to fix Cover-Paradies...

Fix works perfectly. Uppdated ofdb-script, no probs anymore. awesome !!!
Thanks Alessio
Cubi2k Posted - 09 Sep 2006 : 11:53:32
Originally posted by carsten

I have exactly the same problem.
I get this error and false imports for every second movie.
Also the Umlaut-Error (Script not finding Movies with german umlauts) is still present in

There is a solution for the "umlaut" problem, just type instead of "ä" an "a". (For example: "Barenbruder" for "Bärenbrüder). I tested it, it works.
No idea, whether this works also toghether with the "new" cript problem.
Alessio Viti Posted - 09 Sep 2006 : 11:51:00
Hi Guys,

I have uplaod just now a new OFDB script, should not give error anymore when wrote the list of movies found.

@Avi: The error you have with cover is because you already have imported a cover in the past, so XMM leave the cover field blank (take a look at it).

A solution is to manually write in the Cover' fields the name of the first cover.

Let me know if you have problems.


PS I am trying to fix Cover-Paradies...
Jesse69 Posted - 09 Sep 2006 : 11:35:45
Same error on my side.
Ofdb and cover-paradies are the needful scripts I´m using - but it seems there´ll no hope.

Maybe OFDB can be fixed ?
Most recent 4 me are "Plot" and "Review" at ofdb


avi Posted - 09 Sep 2006 : 11:24:26
ofdb-script also troubles me.

try to add the movie "ronin"
ofdb script will import a wrong movie, but i selected the right one. afterwards i even cannot add any covers to the movie.
i deleted the movie, added it again and i only tried to add a cover with another script. it did not work. also importing a cover from clipboard or harddisk does not work. the database entry of the movie must be corrupt. even if i delete it from the grid and enter it as new movie it still does not work. strange problem.

if you want to try out - just use the movie "ronin" as written above

update: if i look in folder "dvd-liste_cover" there are about 15 covers from ronin. if i delete them all and add the movie again, i can add a cover now. but ofdb-import fails - so i use imdb for this movie now ...

carsten Posted - 09 Sep 2006 : 11:18:41
I have exactly the same problem.
I get this error and false imports for every second movie.
Also the Umlaut-Error (Script not finding Movies with german umlauts) is still present in Official Forum © Go To Top Of Page
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