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 ALLOCINE.FR updated and modded

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
mouh_stach007 Posted - 17 Mar 2011 : 18:02:12
Hi I'm posting my own interpretation and mod of original ALLOCINE.FR which didn't worked for a long time.

I've been using it and upgrade it since a while but I want today to share it whith the community.

It starts from the original script that I've cut since I have a lot of movie and wasn't interessed by downloading all the pictures from webpage, but only the jaquette.

I also deleted all the actors card. For each film I download the casting only.
It takes really less time and memory on harddisk.

I've added a directlink RIGHTPAGE condition based on the result of allociné search page : when it display "1 résultat trouvé" it automatically select the link.

If not it show a result select page that you can customize with the initial option "nombre de pages de recherche" which permit to limitate the number of search page before creating the film list in the update manager. I added this option while searching film with very common name such as "love" which displayed lots of results...usually my film was on the first one.

I've also added a special rating place in custom values :
note spectateur (with number of critics)
note presse
link for "critiques spectateurs"
link for "critiques presses"
link for trailer
directly in allociné

I'm not a professionnal I learned from magicscript directly reading old script and try to understand it...
Therefore I've not compleatly corrected and added variables I've added to the beginning...It's not as clear as the original but it's still working perfectly now ;)

I'm open to critics and suggestions but I'm making it for fun so I'm not ready to write it again as soon as it doesn't work anymore...but I'll try if i can make small corrections

Enjoy ;)
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
dupineic Posted - 20 Apr 2011 : 21:33:50

i change a smal part to download big covers

#FINDLINE#=<em class="imagecontainer">#15# #ONERROR#=*OK*
#IF# #15#<>#00#
#IF# #16#<>#00#

and an other for trailers


#FINDLINE#=<li class=""><a href="/video/player_gen_cmedia#15# #ONERROR#=*OK*
#STRING#=#65#=<div id='allocine_blog' style='width:420px; height:335px'><object width='100%' height='100%'><param name='movie' value=''></param><param name='allowFullScreen' value='true'></param><param name='allowScriptAccess' value='always'></param><embed src='' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='100%' height='100%' allowFullScreen='true' allowScriptAccess='always'/></object></div>



i'm not a professionnel too, and i use an old part of the script.
So maybe there are somethings to do, but it works great for me
Alessio Viti Posted - 18 Mar 2011 : 09:42:21
Thank you!

I will upload it in few minutes.

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