Hi, I have switched to Vista and installed eMM... The problem is that it crashes with Message Box (titled "Microsoft Windows") saying "A problem caused th program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available." On pressing "Close program", eMM closes and nothng else happens.
The workaround I found is to run it always as Administrator, but I do not like using this option for an end-user application such as eMM since this option carries security risks.
The problem is that Vista block all process of XMM if you run it as "normal" user and not as administrator. This is why XMM cannot work without the permission.
But what if I want other members of my family to be allowed to run it without having to give them Administrator permissions? I think that to run an-end user application always with "Run as administrator" rather than running it normally should be a temporary solution / workaround rather than the permanent one - to me it is a flaw in an otherwise brilliant application.