Hope this is the right part of the forum for this.
Just learning how to write scripts and need some detailed help.
1. How does the "§" work. Have found examples of use but nothing detailed. Would like to understand what it does in detail.
2. The code "#WRITETITLELIST#=http://www.somewebsiteorother.com#05# ---> #04# §#09#" How does the " ---> #04# §#09#" bit work? confused by the ---> and the §.
3. Is there an official way to comment in a script. Using the debugging program "-" works outside of a tag. "//" seems to grey-out script inside a tag but then the line seems to still get processed in the debugger but not in XMM.
4. TABS. I've come across a line of HTML that contains the actor name on a single line with tabs.
HTML line looks like "[TAB][TAB][TAB][TAB][TAB][TAB]Name of actor¶"
Grabbing the whole line and using #TRIM# gets rid of the TABS but "#DELETEWORD#=\t [+ number of TABS needed]", "#DELETEWORD#=[TAB] [+ number of TABS needed]", #SUBSTITUTEWORD#=\t [+ number of TABS needed]=[space] seems to have no effect.
Is there a way of dealing with tabs other than with trim?
1. This § is relative new, maybe because of this you haven't found any info. This is the address of the cover picture shown in the title list.
2. ---> and § are only markers for the MagicScript interpreter. #WRITETITLELIST#=WebAdress ---> Title §CoverPic
3. Every line is shown in the MagicScript Editor/Debugger but only correct commands are really executed. Let's say you write #DONTGOTO#=:ERROR will be shown during debugging but as #DONTGOTO# is no valid command this line will be skipped from executing.
4. Good question! Already tried to do a #FIND# on that? Of course you manually have to iterate through these lines to grab the single info parts. Keep in mind that #CHECKVARIABLE# containing #TRIM#, etc. XMM behaves in the same order as in written in the script.
In order to achieve what is possible, you have to try the impossible over and over again. Hermann Hesse