I am currently trying to import my Movie Collector (MC) XML file but a couple of movies are being dropped from Movie Collector database when I do the import. This causes my movie ID to be out of sync with MC index. All my DVDs are indexed via felt pen on the clear inner circle of the disc for ease of locating the disc. Is there a way to insert a movie into a Movie ID that is already taken and have all the movies after it get re-incremented? Insert Movie ID 2 and old Movie ID 2 becomes 3 and old 3 becomes 4 etc.
the possibilities to change MovieIDs are limited. Under Tools--Collection Maintenance--Movies/TV show some renumbering options are available. I'm not sure if all of them are working correctly. Nobody ever tested this feature (except renumbering according MovieID number, when there are holes in the MovieID sequence) Maybe you renumber your movies first with the catalog N° field and then use "MovieID renumberinmg (Catalog N°)".
Bye byte Mawu
www.schlemmerkino.de - Die Nr.1 für filmische Leckereien