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4677 Posts

Posted - 05 Jan 2025 :  16:50:29  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
The tt number must be passed as a parameter, including the page to be loaded and the Reference, as a single parameter (without spaces). Example MovieConnections for The Matrix: tt0133093/movieconnections/?ref_=tt_dyk_cnn

// Get the tt-Number
    #STARTREADWEB# // Main Page
    #FINDLINE#=<link rel="canonical"#15##ONERROR#=STOP
    #FIND#=/tt#11# #ONERROR#=STOP
    #FIND#=/#12# #ONERROR#=STOP

Code at the beginning of each respective block for every page that has "see more" buttons. Connections, Awards, etc.

// Block to take MovieConnections
    // The EXE to call
	// releaseinfo/?ref_=tt_ov_at_dt_rdat 
	// keywords/?ref_=tttg_at_pl_kw 
	// companycredits/?ref_=ttkw_at_dt_cmpy
	// locations/?ref_=ttco_at_dt_flmg
	// goofs/?ref_=ttpg_at_dyk_gf // crazycredits/?ref_=ttg f_at_dyk_cc
	// awards/?ref_=ttalt_at_op_awd
	#EXECUTEFILEPARAMETER#=#12# // Pass Parameter
	#EXECUTEFILEFROMPLUGINS#=#11# // The Initial path is the EXE Folder\Plugins

    // This instruction opens a file from a fixed location, like c:\temp...

    // Parse the saved page to get ALL movie connections
    // the code goes here
// End of block to take MovieConnections

Input to the script: tt0133093/movieconnections/?ref_=tt_dyk_cnn
Output of the script: .\tempdir\SavedWebHtml.txt

Unfortunately there is still only the imdb_plus script available that was based on the IMDB Scraper by tarzibou. That script has parsed all info and saved it in JSON-format.
Mine is intended to keep most work on the MagicScript-Engine as there are more "scripter" than Delphi-Programmer
Therefore the parsing has to be done completely from scratch.


In order to achieve what is possible, you have to try the impossible over and over again.
Hermann Hesse


4677 Posts

Posted - 16 Jan 2025 :  23:16:39  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Well, Connections are now working. But there is a limitation on the length: 65.000 letters. For some movies like The Matrix that's not enough.
Does anyone have an idea of how to limit the list?

I only have added following code to the end of the standard IMDB (Complete) script:
// Hier
    // The EXE to call
	// releaseinfo/?ref_=tt_ov_at_dt_rdat 
	// keywords/?ref_=tttg_at_pl_kw 
	// companycredits/?ref_=ttkw_at_dt_cmpy
	// locations/?ref_=ttco_at_dt_flmg
	// goofs/?ref_=ttpg_at_dyk_gf // crazycredits/?ref_=ttg f_at_dyk_cc
	// awards/?ref_=ttalt_at_op_awd        
	#EXECUTEFILEPARAMETER#=#12# // Pass Parameter
	#EXECUTEFILEFROMPLUGINS#=#11# // The Initial path is the EXE Folder\Plugins

    // This instruction opens a file from a fixed location, like c:\temp...
#FINDLINE#=textPrimary"><a href="#11#
#IF# #11#==#00#

#FIND#=a href="#11#
#IF# #11#==#00#
#FIND#=<span id="#11#
#TAKEWORD#=#14#,#11#,#12#	// Category
#FIND#=textPrimary"><a href="#09#

#FIND#=><a href="/title/#11#
#IF# #11#==#00#
#FIND#=</div></div></ul><div class="ipc-html-content#12#
#FIND#=<p><a href="/title/#11#
#IF# #11#<<#09#
#IF# #09#>>#00#



In order to achieve what is possible, you have to try the impossible over and over again.
Hermann Hesse
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1035 Posts

Posted - 19 Jan 2025 :  13:56:30  Show Profile  Visit Mawu's Homepage  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Well, Connections are now working. But there is a limitation on the length: 65.000 letters. For some movies like The Matrix that's not enough.Does anyone have an idea of how to limit the list?

The 65000 letters limit is the limit of the text field in access. Therefore you can nothing to do against it. The only way would be to cut one of the "connections" subcategorys. The first candidate would be "Featured in". - Die Nr.1 für filmische Leckereien
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4677 Posts

Posted - 08 Feb 2025 :  10:30:48  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Would someone take a look at under release 10, please.
I can't get the goofs managed. In the beginning everything works fine but the last categories are incomplete.
My tests are always with "The Matrix (1999)". As example the last category "Character error" shows only the first goof. Same for the one before...

In order to achieve what is possible, you have to try the impossible over and over again.
Hermann Hesse
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