I have recently lost the right hand panel that displays all the film information. How do I get it back? I'm using SimpleCard (Fanart as background).htm and have tried nearly every possible setting in the options dialogue but nothing has worked so far. Any suggestions would be gratefully received.
I had already tried that but I just tried it again - the details panel still does not display. When starting XMM8 the panel seems to appear in the background but it is then covered by the main grid. It might still be functioning but it is completely hidden. I've tried restoring a backup of XMM8 and even a full windows 7 system restore (to a time before the problem) and still can't see the details panel.
Try to delete all files in C:\ProgramData\Binaryworks\XMM8\Layouts if you have Win7 otherwise goto to the folder where XMM8 is installed and delete all files in Layouts. Maybe you have to re-install XMM8.
In order to achieve what is possible, you have to try the impossible over and over again. Hermann Hesse
The details panel had become detached and was living in it's own separate window which had shrunk to almost nothing near the top left corner. Using the view options revealed it and when I dragged it over to it's normal place a small box appeared, I dropped the tiny window onto the box and the details panel reappeared full size and in the correct position.