Hi, all the link to the files disapperd from my database. The error messages says:
"el proveedor no puede determinar el valor Object. Por ejemplo, la fila que se acaba de crear, el valor predeterminado para la columna Object no está disponible y el consumidor todavía no ha establecido un nuevo valor Object. Hay un problema con su Windows XMM no puede realizar la operación con derechos de administrador, ejecue XXM en el modo de compatibilidad de Windows XP SP3"
I run he application in compatibility mode but it doesn't work. The same error.
As fas as I have understand the Google translation you have to run XMM as Administrator to work correctly. To the compatibility mode - I never have needed to use that.
In order to achieve what is possible, you have to try the impossible over and over again. Hermann Hesse
Would you please write a more detailed description of the problem. At the moment I only can imagine a solution. Maybe the device scanner has removed the links as result of a disconnected HD?
In order to achieve what is possible, you have to try the impossible over and over again. Hermann Hesse