I have something strange happening, I have actors with pictures downloaded. when I restart XMM the cast is missing. I update by downloading them again and when I restart the cast is empty. (?) Not just on my new movie but all movies!
My options settings are correct, show actor pictures, show cast etc...
Very odd, when I first do a renumbering MovieID alphabetically the numbers are 1 thru 4176, I even saved the database again just to be sure. Then reload the database the ID #'s are back to 1, 200002,3,4,200005 etc...
Sounds a bit like XMM does not save the all changes made by the renumbering function back to the database. Maybe the function encounters a problem while running (would explain the high IDs which look like temporarily assigned ones). But I've no idea why and I'm afraid it will be hard to repair.
The only thing I know for sure is that I keep my mouse away from those "maintenance functions" 'cause I've no confidence in 'em.
My guess: Alessio has to check the renumbering routine for issues. Seems like it tries to do some operation on the database while another one hasn't finished yet.
I doubt that you can do anything (except using MS Access and do the renumbering there but I would not recommend this 'cause you'd have to take care of dependencies between tables yourself).
Update: one thing to try: rename "$5 a day" to "Dollar 5 a day" and run the function again. Does it work?
My guess: Alessio has to check the renumbering routine for issues. Seems like it tries to do some operation on the database while another one hasn't finished yet.
I doubt that you can do anything (except using MS Access and do the renumbering there but I would not recommend this 'cause you'd have to take care of dependencies between tables yourself).
Update: one thing to try: rename "$5 a day" to "Dollar 5 a day" and run the function again. Does it work?
I'm not even going to try that as that movie has been in my database since April and this problem just started happening. It was renumbering fine with '$5 a Day' as is before.
Still hoping for a fix for this. I have eight years tied up in this database and now all of that work was in vain. Please help me out. How do I get my actors back?