couldn't find anything about this topic while searching .. Is there any »official« guide or tool to make my own skin and modify existing HTML-Moviecards?
Last fews day I played a bit around and modified the moviecard currently using .. but some guide oder basic instructions would be appreciated:-) I would like to build my own look and feel in XMM (v8.x) .. Would like to modify an existing on that is not so far away from the look I would finally use.
couldn't find anything about this topic while searching .. Is there any »official« guide or tool to make my own skin and modify existing HTML-Moviecards?
For MovieCards there is some mostly still valid reference information in the wiki. But you might learn more from "reverse engineering" existing cards.
quote:Originally posted by perkeo Last fews day I played a bit around and modified the moviecard currently using .. but some guide oder basic instructions would be appreciated:-) I would like to build my own look and feel in XMM (v8.x) .. Would like to modify an existing on that is not so far away from the look I would finally use.
Actually, just the way you insert db values is XMM specific. Everything else is HTML, JavaScript or whatever works within Internet Explorer.