If you click on the musician in the crew area of the moviecard, the musician don't open. Either nothing will happen or, if you opened an other person before, the last opened person details will shown, but not the musician. Can you confirm this?
It looks definite like a bug, because after you click on a musician in the movie details, you can select every other person in the db, but the other person won't open excepting the last opened person. Very strange.
I have the same problem. I'm using movie_bigcover.htm The bug is in the htm MovieCard file because the links in the database work fine.
The crew tab links don't work (both the 'musician' and the 'director'). It will open the last person I was working on in the people database but not the one referenced in the tab.
After I try this the database gets confused and won't let me display another movie which I usually select from grid view. I had to restart the database.
The actor links in the movie_bigcover.htm work fine however (actors with IDs and without).