Don't know if this has been addressed or not, but here goes.
I just did an import of 5 movies through IMDB, and the "name" Kelly Jones is in 2 of the movies, but is two different people.
This means that the Database has only 1 Kelly Jones in it when potentially the Database should have at least 2 or more.
During the Import process potential actors may not be imported due to the fact that the engine sees a "name" currently in the database and the new "name/person" is not imported.
Does the new Import Engine have the logic built in that links the actors to the movie during the import process so that duplicate names but different people can be imported. Updating is not a problem using Update mode 3 because it uses the link during the update process.
My Wife manages a Video Store and XMM is a major source of information for her especially when customers know who was in a movie but not the movie name. Search for a name, bring up a list of movies for that person.