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Posted - 15 Aug 2015 :  12:22:08  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
Dear Sirs,

If I have added a new movie, by Device Scanner and later I want to read the file, it always is showing me a popup to go to the correct movie location. It seems to start at the search location instaed the movie location. This I find strange, because the movie location is already known in the movie data. For example, I have searched the folder "K;\21 Jump Street\" in which I have 2 folders "2012 - 21 Jump Street" & "2014 - 22 Jump Street" in each folder is the correct movie.

If I go into the movie 21 Jump Street to files. The Description is "K:\21 Jump Street\2012 - 21 Jump Street\21.Jump.Street.2012.1080p.mkv"

If I want to update the information by Read File, I always get the popup where I need to sellect the file Location. This is always, it seems to me, the initial search folder.

I find this strange, because the correct location is already known in the movie's data. So why do I still need to keep searching for the correct folder? This will takes alot of time. Especially when you just started with eXtreme Movie Manager and you need to do a couple of thousand movies. Also is the possibility that you select the wrong folder always there and you get the wrong information.

I would like to see this being solved and that always the location is being used as it is in the movie's data. I understand that sometimes the location can change, but this should be then another option.

Also I think that, because I use swappables, that when I want to read the file, the program first checks the location as in the movie's data, but if the drive letter has changed, the programm automaticly search the correct letter itself. The folder and file name will not change, but only the letter can change.

But for now, because of this read file, I am not very eager to start with Axtreme Movie Manager.



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Posted - 15 Aug 2015 :  17:37:56  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
You add your movies by the device scanner - each single movie or by selecting the whole folder?
Where do you find the function Read File? Maybe I'm not familiar with all the menus but the correct function you are searching for - in my opinion - is Reread Codec. You can reach that by selecting one or multiple movies in the grid and do a right click then.
Depending on the (automatically) use of the device scanner the movie files will be automatically corrected if they were renamed or moved to another location, too.

In order to achieve what is possible, you have to try the impossible over and over again.
Hermann Hesse
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Posted - 16 Aug 2015 :  15:33:44  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hello JDommi,

The Function Read File, can be found if you sellect a movie and double click, so you get the popup screen Add/Edit Movie. There on the bottom you'll see Read File.

If you go to the sheet "Files" (Almost at the end, before Disks) you see in the topscreen Description and also Link. I guess Description is something you can change. But the link is showing already the file that is linked to the movie.

Yet if you sellect Read File it open the folder that you set as search folder.

The search I did was set for the complete Swappable harddrive. And in the drive I have only movies that multiple movies, like James Bond, Star Wars and such.

In the root I have folders like;

James Bond. In the folder I have for every movie a new folder Again.

So I have;
K:\James Bond\1962 - Dr. No\RVL AVCHD 1018.iso
K:\James Bond\1963 - From Russia with Love\RVL AVCHD 1020.iso
K:\James Bond\1964 - Goldfinger\RVL AVCHD 1044.iso

And such.

Also did I noticed, that even the movies are in different sub folders, some are linked to 1 movie in the movie database and no extra entry in the database has being made.

Like I the movie Goldfinger is linked to the following files;
K:\James Bond\1964 - Goldfinger\RVL AVCHD 1044.iso
K:\James Bond\1973 - Live and Let Die\RVL AVCHD 1046.iso
K:\James Bond\1981 - For Your Eyes Only\RVL AVCHD 1048.iso

Those I think should also being seen as seperate movies and as such being imported in the database.


Edited by - Invisibleman on 16 Aug 2015 15:36:26
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Posted - 16 Aug 2015 :  17:08:52  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Well, I've already thought that you use the function in the Edit window.
But that's the wrong function as it adds new or modifies already assigned movie files. On that browse function that last used folder is default.
What me makes a little wondering is why you wanna read already assigned files a second time? I don't see any reason for except correcting wrong assignments.

To the wrong link of multiple files to one movie: as far as I know each folder is seen as different movies. Maybe it's because all of your movies have the same name prefix? On that I know that sometimes there are wrong connections when you use Terminator 1 and Terminator 2, etc.
I personally would use a structure like this:
K:\James Bond\1964 - Goldfinger.iso
K:\James Bond\1973 - Live and Let Die.iso
K:\James Bond\1981 - For Your Eyes Only.iso

In order to achieve what is possible, you have to try the impossible over and over again.
Hermann Hesse
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Posted - 18 Aug 2015 :  18:51:07  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hello JDommi,

I wanted to read those file again, because when I did the device scan, I didn't use the function to read the codecs. As it is saying, that without yhis the scan will be faster and can be done later.

Regarding the naming of the file, I will do as you say. But I think the programm, should check the last folder and know that 1 folder is 1 movie. Otherwise I would scan series. The way you say, will cost lots of time that could, and in my opinion shoudn't be needed.

Thanks for your help.

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Posted - 18 Aug 2015 :  19:30:26  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
When it's really only because of the codec then mark all the movies in the grid and use "Reread Codec".

Well, one folder should be one movie. But unfortunately not everytime. Think of those old MVCDs. Some people store them as subfolders CD1, CD2, CD3... even some AVIs are stored as Part I and Part II. Would be great if XMM would be able to "know" such things but that would go to fast I think.
But why costs my way a lot of time? Your way is more time expensive as you process movie after movie. My way processes all the selected movies. And the time to get the codec is the same for both possibilities.

In order to achieve what is possible, you have to try the impossible over and over again.
Hermann Hesse
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Posted - 23 Aug 2015 :  14:20:32  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hello Jdommi.

The way I see it, is that XMM is not checking the file name to determine the movie's name (not always that is), but is checking the last folder's name to do so. At least if I let XMM scan de device, you can see that most of the movies, are the same as folder's name and not as the file name. Even if the file name doesn't have anything in that is reffering to the movie's name. And if soemthing isn't constant, then to me it is an error.

And if, that what I say is correct, then it also shouldn't link files from other folders in 1 movie. But link only the files, to the movie, that are in the same folder.

So I did rename all folders already so XMM can identify the movie and if I also need to rename the files itself, it will take time.

My way, the scanning, not much I need to do. And read the file, as I thought needed to do. Was just 2 clicks away.

But indeed that Reread Codec is faster, so this part I then will use.

About the structure you say James Bond\movie.iso. This way I don't want to use, because if some needed to have an SRT file for the subs, not all hardware can work correctly if there are more iso or mkv files are in 1 folder. That's why I want to have every movie in a seperate folder.

And everything wouldn't be that big of a problem, if I have used XMM from the start, but I wanted to switch from DVD Profiler to XMM and now I need to import 2.500 titels. So then it will be lots of extra work.

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Posted - 23 Aug 2015 :  14:53:06  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Well, let me try to answer...

Originally posted by Invisibleman
The way I see it, is that XMM is not checking the file name to determine the movie's name (not always that is), but is checking the last folder's name to do so. At least if I let XMM scan de device, you can see that most of the movies, are the same as folder's name and not as the file name. Even if the file name doesn't have anything in that is reffering to the movie's name. And if soemthing isn't constant, then to me it is an error.

XMM works this way:
step 1: check the filename
step 2: check the foldername if step 1 failed
That's a constant way, I would say.

And if, that what I say is correct, then it also shouldn't link files from other folders in 1 movie. But link only the files, to the movie, that are in the same folder.

This I have already answered in my last post.
Some users store movies this way:
C:\James Bond\A View To A Kill\CD1\Part1.mpeg
C:\James Bond\A View To A Kill\CD2\Part2.mpeg
I don't wanna say that this a the best way but some people do it so...

So I did rename all folders already so XMM can identify the movie and if I also need to rename the files itself, it will take time.

That's not a must. But for me it's THE way.

My way, the scanning, not much I need to do. And read the file, as I thought needed to do. Was just 2 clicks away.

I always add new movies by letting the device scanner search my movie folder(s) and in 95% the movie and the files are added correctly.

But indeed that Reread Codec is faster, so this part I then will use.

This step is normally only needed if you really want to have the codec.

About the structure you say James Bond\movie.iso. This way I don't want to use, because if some needed to have an SRT file for the subs, not all hardware can work correctly if there are more iso or mkv files are in 1 folder. That's why I want to have every movie in a seperate folder.

Ok, that's a reason I can understand. I always have thought that the subtitle files should have the same name as the movie file. Needless to say that I don't have any movie with subtitles...

And everything wouldn't be that big of a problem, if I have used XMM from the start, but I wanted to switch from DVD Profiler to XMM and now I need to import 2.500 titels. So then it will be lots of extra work.

Do you already have tested the import function? DVD Profiler is one of the sources you can use to import 3rd party databases.

In order to achieve what is possible, you have to try the impossible over and over again.
Hermann Hesse
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Posted - 05 Sep 2015 :  12:10:30  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hello Jdommi,

Thanks again for your answers. I am now busy with importing all the files.

I extracted the ISO's to get/create an MKV. For it seems, that MMX can't read the codex from ISO (or I have setup something wrong.

I haven't changed the file name before importing (too much work) but double checked if all files are seperated imported and corrected if it was not correct (removed link and imported them seperatly).

So importing is going okay, sofar.

But now I have another problem. I have imported 2 Harddrives with a total of 613 MKV's movies. I don't know why and how it did, but if I look at the first Harddrive, besides the title and such, only the file size is being imported. While the second harddrive also has imported the media, bitrate, codec, FPS, length resolution Subtitle.

I have tried to do the re-read codec on the first drive. But this didn't help. I also to re-read file to compute MD5 and filesize. This also didn't work.

Can you tell me how I can re-read all those files, so those values will be imported also?

Also in the treeview, a added up the AudioCodec but here no codec is found. While there are lots of movies, saying (in the movie/file information) that the AudioCodec is DTS. But this is not visible in the treeview.

Also I am using Windows 10 64, but if I look at the name of XMM it is saying (32bit) not sure if this title is just wrong or if I indeed am running a 32bit version while it should be able to run 64.

Regarding the import from the DVD Profiler, I didn't do. Because I think will be more work for me to link the file to the movie.

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Posted - 05 Sep 2015 :  17:51:45  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
I extracted the ISO's to get/create an MKV. For it seems, that MMX can't read the codex from ISO (or I have setup something wrong.

I think the MediaInfo.dll included in XMM does not process ISOs.

But now I have another problem.
I have tried to do the re-read codec on the first drive. But this didn't help. I also to re-read file to compute MD5 and filesize. This also didn't work.

That should not happen. Are the files on that HD really okay?
If so I would try two things:
1. Mark one movie to check if the re-read codec works. Make sure to have access on these by playing them out of XMM.
2. Remove all those "bad" movies and import them again. Check if the codec will be read in the options.

Also in the treeview, a added up the AudioCodec but here no codec is found. While there are lots of movies, saying (in the movie/file information) that the AudioCodec is DTS. But this is not visible in the treeview.

I only see Audio Quality??? Not every available info can be set to be shown in the grid.

Also I am using Windows 10 64, but if I look at the name of XMM it is saying (32bit) not sure if this title is just wrong or if I indeed am running a 32bit version while it should be able to run 64.

The 64-bit release of XMM has two big mistakes: it is much slower than the 32-bit version and the 64-bit driver can't be programatically used for "Compact & Repair". Therefor it is officially not available (anymore).

Regarding the import from the DVD Profiler, I didn't do. Because I think will be more work for me to link the file to the movie.

I think most of the movie files will automatically be associated to the movie in database. Just perform an import by the device scanner.

In order to achieve what is possible, you have to try the impossible over and over again.
Hermann Hesse
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Posted - 06 Sep 2015 :  10:49:00  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hello JDommi,

Regarding the ISO, this I understand and I have no problem with. Would be a nice option, but it is as it is.

Regarding the missing information. I have tried all re-read codec in the all possible ways there are. None did work. So I removed some (6) and add them again by Device scanner and now they have all data in again.

But this means that the numbering is incorrect and I can't renumber correctly as was intend drive 1; 1 - 300, drive 2; - 301 - 600 etc. Because the re-added files are starting with the highest number again. So I need to start again from scratch.

About the Audio Codec, I don't mean in the grid, but in the Tree-view on the left. In the options, you can assign fields that you want to see in the treeview and there you can assign AudioCodec in the tree. But when assign this, it doesn't show anything. Even if like I said, lots have DTS and also AC3.

About the 64, I didn't know. Because I thought somewhere there was 32 and 64 versions. But here no problem also. If it is working it is okay for me.

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Posted - 06 Sep 2015 :  11:49:22  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Regarding the missing information. I have tried all re-read codec in the all possible ways there are. None did work. So I removed some (6) and add them again by Device scanner and now they have all data in again.

Something I have forgotten before: Sometimes the data only consists of a blank sign. So if you have set the ascript engine to not overwrite existing data... Maybe it is possible to remove the data for these fields and then do a re-read codecs. That would not result in wrong numbering.
About the Audio Codec, I don't mean in the grid, but in the Tree-view on the left. In the options, you can assign fields that you want to see in the treeview and there you can assign AudioCodec in the tree. But when assign this, it doesn't show anything. Even if like I said, lots have DTS and also AC3.

That seem to be an error of the HTMLCard. Simply forgotten after rewriting the source for. Please try to add somewhere on the card _MOVIE_AUDIOFORMAT_ or _MOVIE_AUDIO_ (I just don't know which one is the correct one you wanna know). The addition will only show the data without any formatting to fit the look of the card.

In order to achieve what is possible, you have to try the impossible over and over again.
Hermann Hesse
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Posted - 06 Sep 2015 :  13:46:57  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hello Jdommi,

I also did try to remove all data, by the menu Clear all fields. But this also didn't work. Now I imported however all movies again and now this is okay. Because I had renamed the files before by MMX this was pretty fast. But I now also need to get the data from IMDB.

Regarding the audio. As I understand the HTML Card is the one on the right. Where you have the movie information and cover and such.

But I do mean on the left the treeview, where you can select the information you need and will see all movies with that selection. Here I would like to sellect the DTS or AC3 so I can see which movies have which sound.

Also is there an option where you can sellect the audio Channels? This would also be very nice to have. So you can see if it's multiple channels or stereo.

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Posted - 06 Sep 2015 :  17:15:44  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
You're right, the TreeView must have a bug. Although you can select the audio nothing is shown.
All categories that are shown there should work. I never have tested all those fields for the TreeView in the options.

Until now I only have used the MainGrid filter.

In order to achieve what is possible, you have to try the impossible over and over again.
Hermann Hesse
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Posted - 06 Sep 2015 :  21:55:35  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hello Jdommi,

Thanks for checking. Now do I need to make a new topic out of this or do you inform binaryworks about this bug?

Sorry, but I don't know how it works with the bug reports here (:

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Posted - 06 Sep 2015 :  22:18:55  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Best is when you write him a mail about this bug. alessioviti -at-

Mine sometimes seem to go to his spam folder *lol*

In order to achieve what is possible, you have to try the impossible over and over again.
Hermann Hesse
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Posted - 13 Sep 2015 :  18:41:53  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hello JDommi,

Thanks again I send a mail to him today.

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