Hi, Finally made the plunge for XMM8. Conversion seemed to go smoothly but . . . . . I have always arranged the collection by Catalog number so I select the appropriate custom field (Nice feature; dead easy to use) and Catalog Number appears under Database as a tree to select. Great. BUT its quite hard to get to the bottom. There are 900 catalog numbers and the bottom of the slider bar is not visible (its below the bottom of the window) If you click on the lowest part of the slider that is visible the display stops at 815! ou can get lower by moving the pointer off the bottom of the window and it will scroll down.
So not a critical error but odd nonetheless.
He uses statistics as a drunk uses lampposts - for support rather than illumination
Behind task bar - No Bottom arrow is not visible Treeview
If I put the covers window at the bottom of the treeview window the problem goes away. This is how I want it so it is non-problem for me. But see also 'Conversion from XMM7'
He uses statistics as a drunk uses lampposts - for support rather than illumination