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 eXtreme Movie Manager (Rel. 7), No More Updates
 How to Update Movie Information
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Posted - 03 Apr 2016 :  00:25:37  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
I'm testing out XMM free version and considering buying it, but I wanted to confirm one feature. I've imported my movie list via text file. How do I "Update Movie", the green flashing button on the right, for more than one movie at a time? If I select a list of say 10 movies, it will only do 1 movie at a time. With 2000 movies to consider, there's no way I can do that. Will the paid version allow the program to "Update Movie" for more than 1 movie at a time?

Windows 10

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Posted - 03 Apr 2016 :  00:40:07  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
I figured out. If you right click you select all then update all. So far, so good.
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Posted - 03 Apr 2016 :  02:48:11  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
I've been playing with the program and have a few more questions. Hopefully they can be answered. XMM seems really nice!

1. Boxset doesn't seem to be working. Is this turned off in the trial version?
2. Can I launch PowerDVD or other movie program from XMM?
3. Are the Genre's updated in the background?
4. What is a NMT?
5. What is the recommended media center for Windows 10 such as MediaPortal with MyFilms plugin to use with XMM? I don't want a PVR, just the ability to browse the ripped movies I have and launch them with PowerDVD or similar program. I have used SageTV in the past as a PVR, but that was a lot of work. I don't mind paying for a program if once it's setup, it is maintenance free. I don't want to have to continually screw around with it.
"Browse your collection in MediaPortal (with MyFilms plugin) Export your collection in XML, My Films will read it and show your collection!"

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4678 Posts

Posted - 03 Apr 2016 :  07:42:59  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi Tim!

A lot of questions at one time . Let me try to answer as far as I know...

1. No, there is only the limitation of 50 movies to add in the trial version.
You have to add a boxset manually (Menu ribbon: Add Movie -> Add Boxset) and then you can select the movies you wanna add to that boxset.

2. As far as I know the standard media player set up in Windows is automatically taken. But I never have played a movie out of XMM...

3. The Genres are updated like any other information from the internet. Of course it's depending on the script you are using.


5. I don't know as I don't stream movies. Beside that I don't use Windows 10.

In order to achieve what is possible, you have to try the impossible over and over again.
Hermann Hesse
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