My last "Movies from files(device scanner)" procedure(from the usual folder)did not work: the new titles were not imported! Furthermore, by attempting to repeat the scan, the previously selected movies (ie those not added to the XMM database) are no longer found in the same folder. However,the "Add movie manually" procedure (only one title at a time) continues to work regularly, for the same undetected films. Important: The bug occurred without any reason, all the settings and the way of working remained the usual ones!
Is the bug known? It is fixable? Thank you and hello to everyone
I don't think that it is a bug. Seems more as if your configuration file is not okay. Please check your settings again - especially the folders to search for. At least for me there is no problem with the device scanner function.
In order to achieve what is possible, you have to try the impossible over and over again. Hermann Hesse
I don't think that it is a bug. Seems more as if your configuration file is not okay. Please check your settings again - especially the folders to search for. At least for me there is no problem with the device scanner function.
I understand that it is difficult to verify a bug that occurs only once without the possibility of reproducing it. However I assure you that it happened exactly as described. It is possible that it depends on the NAS that I usually use, since I have read that it has given problems in other cases. We'll see if any other user will have the same problem sooner or later, or not. I will retrieve the titles one by one through the manual system. Thank you for your time