with in version 4,8 there was a very good feature on Internet Import.
Open Movie, select Internet or Quickmode. select the Movie title from List. In version 4,8 I could just select it and see whether it is the right one or not. If not I could say skip and could select another one. In Version 5 I even have no chance to cancel if it is wrong. The only way is that I could use "Preview" to my browser but that's slow and I need to dim the Windowsize of both.
maybe I wasn't correct enough. I meant a CANCLE Button by using the Quick-Button.
Quick means for me I have only ONE Movie. Than cameup the "Batch Window" but still I have only used for One Movie. and I have a Button (left buttom) [close Window] right at this point I thought it would be easy to have a [CANCLE]. hey I don't have any idea howmuch work it is and I can't say You have to do it but I thing it would be helpful for all users.
by the way maybe you should open a measurment Form for suggestions. YOU put in all the Ideas comming from the Users and two buttons behind. All the Users could just click on and say with a number from 1 to 10 YES It's Importent or NO its not needed So you find out easely what is realy needed and you maybe find time for doing all the changes and for yourself.