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 eXtreme Movie Manager (Rel. 7), No More Updates
 Bug Report
 Resizing because of Multi-Line Status-Bar
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Posted - 01 Jul 2006 :  14:02:51  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic

on selecting a movie-entry I always get the following error-message in the status-bar:

5startIndex cannot be larger than length of string.
Parameter name: startIndex

beside that there seems something to be basically wrong, the issue of the message being in 2 lines within the status-bar bugs me: because of this the application-window resizes, first moving everything within the application-window above the status-bar up and after 5 seconds or so (when the multi-line message disappears) everything is moved down again.

All in all I find the multi-line status-bar messages annoying - if at least only the status-bar would resize by expanding downwards without effecting the other graphical components of the application-window, it'd be a real step forward (or just display the messages in the status-bar in one single line).

Also it would be nice, if the error/bug could be fixed (see quoted message text above).

Alessio Viti
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Posted - 04 Jul 2006 :  17:17:25  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi Aruss,

Please try to "sort" the Title Column in the grid by cliking on the Column's header and let me know if you still see this bug.

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Posted - 30 Jul 2006 :  17:38:14  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
just an update:

I tried re-ordering of the columns (every possible permutation) - I also restored the default columns and tried every possible ordering:
the warning message is still present (also in the new version 5.3.1)

... but the problem causing the warning message isn't really my main concern - it's the multi-line message in the status bar (2 lines in this case).
Could you please at least add an option in the configuration to disable the multi-line-feature for the status-bar?

This mulit-line issue is a small thing, but since it happens on every movie-selection it's peresent constantly and therefore annoys me constantly - it really lessens the quality of use of the software for me.

So could you please look into it?

And a suggestion:

the image-files in the Configuration directory (1.bmp, 2.bmp,...,10.bmp and white.gif) use the color white as background.

It would imo be better to use a transparent background (also for the silder that controls the personal rating and selects 1.bmp, 2.bmp etc.).
In order to do so you'd have to use a different format than bmp, e.g. gif or better yet png.
I did a check: converting 1.bmp etc. to gif, changing the background to transparent and then renaming the files to 1.bmp etc. again did work, that is the software loaded and used those images with transparent background - so the use of transparent background shouldn't be a big problem to integrate into the software,
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New Zealand
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Posted - 01 Oct 2006 :  00:49:55  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
I have the exact same problem here, and it's bumming me out somewhat... I have to say also that I'm more than a little disappointed with the upgrade from 4 to 5 - now that I have to install .NET framework, it sucks up so much resources on my machine. It's also become very difficult to set up the window configurations in a nice way. There's simply too much information on screen... remember the KISS principle... (Keep It Simple, ...)
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