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 eXtreme Movie Manager (Rel. 7), No More Updates
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 Some comment concerning data fields
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Senior Member

1036 Posts

Posted - 27 Nov 2006 :  14:15:46  Show Profile  Visit Mawu's Homepage  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
In this thread I want to summarize some suggestions concerning the data fields within xMM. I know it's a little bit boring and you prefer to implement more innovative features. But very often you have to add data manually or have to edit them or need a better data arrangement.
Here are my suggestions:

DIRECTOR: maybe it's useful to be able to add director's name to actor's database and have the same hyperlink functionality in My Entire Collection

LENGTH: now the only info we get imported is the pure movie length; in xMM we were able to grab all info about movie length (alternate versions like director's cut, country related length and so on); my suggestion: data fields should be extended or alternative download of extended data in custom field

PLOT: text editor for editing data (like in 4.8)

DATE LAST LOAN: blank instead of "01.01.1900"

COMMENTS: text editor for editing data (like in 4.8)

CODEC: pull-down menu (combobox)

RESOLUTION: pull-down menu (combobox)

AUDIOFORMAT: pull-down menu (combobox)

SUBTITLES: handling like the skript manager; button next to the data field that opens a window where you can select the needed subtitles

MEDIA LANGUAGE: dito, simple pull-down menu is not so good for "multi-entry" data fields

NOTES: text editor for editing data (like in 4.8)

REVIEWS: text editor for editing data (like in 4.8)

AUDIO FORMAT: problem that you have several audio streams; selection should be as proposed for subtitles, arrangment maybe in a table instead of a "linear" text field

MEDIA YEAR: as you can grab from most sites the release date, please change this field to allow values

FEATURES: field should be bigger and maybe it's better to have a table instead of a normal field; selection as decribed for subtitles

MOVIE FILE: buttons to select files; other suggestion: movie and trailer files sould be listed not in separate field but in a table

PLAYER: browser button to select player

MEDIA LABELS: button to select media labe

PRICE: currency(€, $ etc.)

AWARDS: maybe a table would also be useful

Also needed: more list managers for all the pull-down menus. Should by reachable via button next to the data fields (like in xMM 4.8)

episodes: field for original title, episodes length (runtime), color information (color/black & white)
- there should be a unique way how starring info is handeled within the database, which means as it is realized with movies (grid)

bye bye

New Member

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Posted - 27 Nov 2006 :  22:46:01  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Excellent suggestions! I second the petition :)

I'd suggest starting with the pull-down menus and list managers as the easiest, most dramatic place to start.

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Alessio Viti
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9171 Posts

Posted - 28 Nov 2006 :  11:38:51  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi Mawu,

You are right, this is the most boring part of the work, this is why I take always time

Your suggestions are cool, I know I must decide to start to work on this.

Thank you!

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Senior Member

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Posted - 10 Jan 2007 :  20:50:44  Show Profile  Visit Mawu's Homepage  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi Alessio,

any news concerning this topic?
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Alessio Viti
Forum Admin

9171 Posts

Posted - 13 Jan 2007 :  11:34:23  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply, not yet Mawu, sorry.

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Senior Member

1036 Posts

Posted - 27 Mar 2007 :  20:31:21  Show Profile  Visit Mawu's Homepage  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply

Ceterum censeo....

No I don't only want to send you a friendly reminder. I have additional suggestions.

Last Christmas I got some DVD box-sets. Trying to insert into my xMM database I missed some special features for box sets. There is only the possibility to type in the number of media. There should be an option to assign movies/media to a box-set. In a box set window there should be all movies/media listed:

For example: I have the Ben Hur 4-Disc-Collectors Edition. On dvd1 and dvd2 there is the famous movie of 1959, on dvd3 the silent movie from 1925 and on dvd4 some extras. What I want is:
1. All four dvd are marked as a part of a set.
2. Ben Hur (1959,dvd1+2) and Ben Hur (1925,dvd3) are listed also as separate movies in the database. The silent movie is only an "extra feature" indeed, but independent of the 1959 version with own cast and crew.
3. Bonus DVD should not be listed with other movies only subgrouped in box set.

It would also be nice to be able to add cover pictures from the box set, and add specific pictures for every movie, or set for example barcode for the boxset and only use it for every movie if that one also has a different barcode. When I click on a movie that's in a boxset, it would be nice to see the other movies in that boxset. So in general, it would be great to add info to the boxset itself and group the boxsets.

The same problem consist for TV shows. There I need a "box set" feature where I can assign several episodes or a whole to a dedicated dvd box set.

Edited by - Mawu on 03 May 2007 23:02:31
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