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9 Posts

Posted - 18 Feb 2007 :  19:23:37  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
so,I have a database with about 800 movies..I need to select some of them and create a new database only for those can I?
I have to erase all the others,and save as new database?

please help me

New Member

United Kingdom
88 Posts

Posted - 19 Feb 2007 :  13:48:16  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Do this:

1. Open XMM and then click "File" --> "New Database". Give it a name (or leave it at its default setting which is "My New Database.mdb") and then click Save.
2. Next, open "File" --> "Database Advanced Functions" --> "Exchange Movie Through Databases".
3. Click the "Load" button on the left hand side and then navigate to C:\Program Files\Extreme Movie Manager\Databases (due to a bug in the program I suspect, XMM looks to the "Databases" folder in the XMM folder located in the "My Documents" folder by default and not to the "Databases" folder in the XMM folder in Program Files. So you have to click the arrow at the top and then navigate to the correct folder in order to point the application to the correct folder).
4. Choose the database called "example.mdb" and you should see all 800 titles load.
5. In the right hand pane, load the name of the database you just created. Then, either move them across individually, or hold down CTRL while you select each one you want to move. This will highlight them individually. You can them move them all in one go.

EDIT: I just discovered that the data doesn't sort in alphabetical order in the exchange data submenu. I've just mailed Alessio about it and assume he'll fix that as well shortly.

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OS: Win XP Pro+SP2

Edited by - ditto on 19 Feb 2007 14:12:26
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