I am trying to export my database using the wonderful GeneralDB2HTML tool because not only can I export all the fields but I can choose my filtering and sorting criteria. However, the movie covers are not getting displayed.
I am using the template_05_DivX_IE&NS.html moviecard file (which is incuded in the GeneralDB2HTML folder) as template.
In the rectangle where the cover should be shown, I see the name of the cover (e.g. 1-Spiderman.jpg) instead of the picture. When I click it, it says "C:/Documents and Settings/ .... /files/_MOVIE_COVER" can't be found. (I have copied the .jpg cover files to files directory)
This is the piece of code in the moviecard file that's supposed to export the cover: <div id="Pic" onmouseover="s=this.style;p=document.getElementById('SP').style;s.top='59px';p.top='62px';s.left='42px';p.left='45px'" onmouseout="s.top='57px';p.top='64px';s.left='40px';p.left='47px'"> <img id="Cover" name="Cover" style="width:96px;border:0px;cursor:pointer" src="_MOVIE_COVER_" alt="no pic" onclick="NewWin(this)" /> </div>
I tried to modify it hundred different ways but to no avail.
Has anyone used this tool successfully to export covers? Is there a detailed guide on how to use it?
On a similar note, has anyone modified the Cortexmod_modified_by_marek moviecard to work with this tool?