I got media types as "Xvid", "Hd-Mkv" and "HD-Mkv + Xvid".
Xvid uses the 10th icon (Xvid's icon), "Hd-mkv" and "hd-mkv + xvid" uses the "HD DVD" icon...
But since last night all my "XviD" icons changed to "HD-DVD" I can not find the reason nor a solution. I tried to delete and re-create the xvid media type but that didn't help.
Please enlight me, because this causes sorting and catalog problems for me.
Currently I can not change any of the icons. I go to Icon Manager, assign a number, save... Reload the grid but nothing changes. The manager shows that the new number is saved but it doesn't work. I don't know what's wrong and this is so annoying, please help.
All my movies in the grid, are shown with the HD-DVD icon.