Regarding 2)... Have you configured the paths correctly? What is the detailed problem about the date navigation? Are there no movies in the pages or something else? What XMM version are you using?
Hi ternot, to me does not work. I have the following problem: Movies that do not start and quit the text "could not play"
I did the following steps: The movies are in the folder "video 2" on PCH A110. The PCH A110 is connected to the computer via USB and is mapped with the letter L: \ From this position I imported the film in EMM v7 and I created the database. Export the database with MyLittleNMTExport setting it this way: Path on NMT: "file:///opt/sybhttpd/localhost.drives/HARD_DISK/Video 2/" Movie Path on PC: "L:\Video 2\" Export HTML folder and the index files on the PCH. Where is that wrong? Help me, I'm going crazy
Seems to be fine for me... Maybe the space in "Viedeo 2" causes the problem. Could you please open a mvie detail page in a web browser, right click on the play button, Choose "Copy link location" and post it here?
After several tests I realized what the problem: Starts only films that are in the root (which in my case is the folder "video 2") and not those that are in subfolders. Can solve this problem?